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撰寫 Viewer 擴展(Extension)

class Extension { viewer: Viewer3D; options: Object?; id: string; /** * @param viewer The viewer to be extended. * @param options An optional dictionary of options for this extension. */ constructor( viewer: Viewer3D, options: Object ); /** * Override the load method to add functionality to the viewer. * Use the Viewer"s APIs to add/modify/replace/delete UI, register event listeners, etc. * @return True if the load was successful. */ load: boolean; /** * Override the unload method to perform some cleanup of operations that were done in load. * @return True if the unload was successful. */ unload: boolean; /** * Gets the extension state as a plain object. Intended to be called when viewer state is requested. * @param viewerState Object to inject extension values. * @virtual */ getState( viewerState: Object ): void; /** * Restores the extension state from a given object. * @param viewerState Viewer state. * @param immediate Whether the new view is applied with (true) or without transition (false). * @return True if restore operation was successful. */ restoreState( viewerState: Object, immediate: boolean ): void; /** * Returns an object that persists throughout an extension"s unload->load * operation sequence. Cache object is kept at ViewingApplication level. * Cache object lives only in RAM, there is no localStorage persistence. * @return The cache object for a given extension. */ getCache: Object; }



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