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How to choose your beauty salon?如何選擇美容院?


Summer is coming in town and if you are like us, prepping for the season can be quite the headache without the help of your local beauty salon. Whether you are looking for laser hair-removal solution or just waxing, UV tanning, or even just refreshing your hair cut before going to the beach, finding a trusted establishment can be quite tricky. With "professionals" popping up at every corner, it can be tempting to try the latest venue, at our own risk as results can be quite unfortunate. Here are our tips to help avoid any catastrophes:



Avoid the cheapest solution


If you have stayed in China for a while, you know that the cheapest products are rarely (there are sometimes good surprises) the safest and most qualitative choice. You take great care in finding the best quality beauty products, avoiding the fake market for your eye-cream? Well, apply the same care for your beautician.



Trust friends referential but not only


Friends referrals are always very important in finding your way through numerous offers. But for the same reason you shouldn t apply the same moisturizer than your bestie due to skin type difference, choosing the same beauty treatment isn t always the best idea. Make sure to look for other past customers reference, if possible some with similar criteria as you (skin type, color, hair density…) and take in consideration both good and bad reviews. If a customer has a bad experience at a salon for serious reasons and takes the time to leave a comment, it is probably safe to assume that it is best to avoid this place.



Check out the venue and request further information


Nothing is better than checking out the salon and meeting with its staff on your own, to get your personal opinion on the place. A few question about the procedure you want to undertake, as well as potential counter effects should give you an idea of how qualified the beauticians are on the matter. If you are not sure due to language issues, don t hesitate to go with a friend who is fluent to get further details.



Check credential


In China the regulation expects beauty parlors to have up-to-date and government given license and certificates to sell services such as UV tanning and laser hair removal. It assures that the employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to give such care to their customers, without putting their health in danger. If they are not hanged at the venue for the whole world to see, don t hesitate to ask to see such license, and ask about where the staff were trained before agreeing to move forward.



"Laowai"- owned doesn t mean trustworthy

「外資」≠ 可信賴

Not the least important one: "Laowai"- owned (co-owned, joint-venture…) doesn』t mean trustworthy! In the last few months only we have seen a few health related scandals in town that demonstrate this statement. Cutting corners and making money from cheap services with wrong advertisement is an international scam. It doesn t limit to any nationality or background. Do care to check as thoroughly the establishment whether it is local or not.

還有一點:外資(合夥,入股等)並不等於可以信賴! 在過去幾個月里,一些與健康有關的醜聞已經說明這個問題。投機取巧,用廉價的虛假廣告賺錢是一個國際騙局,與國籍和背景無關。請務必確認機構是否本土。


Start with one session first


You have found a parlor you feel safe about, we still suggest not to buy the 10 session packet just yet. Test on a skin patch first, then if you have had no side effects. Try one session without any constraints. It will allow you to see how the treatment is given as well as how your body reacts to it afterwards. Still no side effects? Perfect! You found your beauty salon.

發現一個靠譜的美容師,我們仍然建議不要立即購買整套療程。 先試試肌膚貼片,如果沒有不良反應,再嘗試沒有任何限制的操作,這樣能夠準確的判斷身體對療程的反應。如果仍然沒有任何不良反應,恭喜你,你找到了適合自己的!


Don t hesitate to stop


Feeling uncomfortable during the treatment (burning, stinging feelings are not normal!) don t hesitate to stop the procedure. Whether it is your first session, your sixth』s, or even at home after the treatment, feel free to stop any on-going session immediately. Discomfort or pain, is a sign that something is wrong.


In the end if you are not sure of the quality of the treatment you will be given, we suggest to play the wise-card and refrain yourself to move forward. Wrong handling of beauty machines can have disastrous effect that can leave scars in both short and long-term.


Suffering from minor beauty-salon related burns (or not), here is Lalu s recipe to relieve the pain and heal your skin:


In a bowl, put :

3 Table spoons of Aloe Vera,

3 Table spoons Shea butter and

3 Table spoons Cocoa butter

Add 10 drops of Tea Tree essential oils,

10 drops of Lavender essential oils

(if you can add 1/2 a table spoon of vitamin E powder too!)

Whip it up until it has the consistence of a mousse.

Apply as often as needed.

Keep in a cool area for extra effect (not to cold otherwise it will solidify!)


- 3勺蘆薈膠

- 3勺乳木果油

- 3勺可可脂

- 10滴茶樹精油

- 10滴薰衣草精油




You can alternate with the application of pure Aloe Vera gel directly on the skin for better efficiency and helping with the healing.


Disclaimer:this recipe is for minor burns only. Adja did cure her burns with this recipe, but if your burn are more serious, we urge you to go and consult a doctor immediately, before applying any kind of treatment.



請您繼續閱讀更多來自 LaluNaturalSkincare 的精彩文章:

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