首頁 > 最新 > EducationUSA:赴美行前準備培訓+教師培訓沙龍+LGBT電影放映:Loose Cannons

EducationUSA:赴美行前準備培訓+教師培訓沙龍+LGBT電影放映:Loose Cannons

EducationUSA:赴美行前準備培訓 Pre-Departure Orientation

時間: 06月22日周四 14:30-16:00

地點: 廣州 天河區 美國駐廣州總領事館



時至六月,距離即將啟程赴美留學的日子越來越近。大家都準備好了嗎?錄取通知書拿到了,I-20表有了,簽證也通過了,還有什麼要準備?為了幫助你更好的完成此後的留學步驟,美國駐廣州領事館EducationUSA 顧問與區域教育顧問協調員Christina Chandler 將帶領大家了解美國校園生活,課堂文化,社交活動,住房及交通等事宜。行前整理好需要攜帶的重要文件固然重要,但是怎樣才能從物質,精神及文化全方面作好留學準備呢?來參加我們的培訓為即將到來的新生活做好準備,學會如何更好的迎接新的生活環境。

In June, the time to leave for the U.S. is approaching! Are you ready to launchyour journey? EducationUSA adviser and the Regional Educational AdvisingCoordinator for EducationUSA Christina Chandler will help you to learn aboutU.S. campus life, classroom culture, social life, housing, transportation andsafety concerns. We hope you could mentally, culturally, and physicallyprepared for your upcoming life in the United States! We welcome yourparticipation. Get ready to launch your journey!


This program will be conducted in Chinese and English. No translation isprovided.

教師培訓沙龍:EnglishLanguage Idioms and Their Uses

時間: 06月22日周四 18:30-20:30

地點: 廣州 天河區 美國駐廣州總領事館

珠江新城華夏路(從地鐵珠江新城站B1出口向前直行100米)美國駐廣州總領事館領事部客人出入口 Lincoln Hall 講座廳三樓



Teacher Training: English Language Idioms andTheir Uses

This interactive workshop will introduce thetopic of English language idioms, words or phrases that have abstract meanings(such as, piece of cake). The use of idioms in English, especially in informalsmall talk exchanges, has proven useful for non-native speakers. Thelexicography of idioms will be introduced, especially in relation to phrases. Participantswill learn and practice the most frequent American English idioms, usingexamples of idioms in various forms of media and spoken transcripts. They willlearn about the historical meaning of selected idioms. And they will beintroduced to idioms that have the same meaning across cultures. Finally,participants will practice using sample idioms during an interactive task.

LGBT電影放映:Loose Cannons

時間: 06月22日周四 19:30-21:30

地點: 廣州 天河區 美國駐廣州總領事館

地點:珠江新城華夏路(從地鐵珠江新城站B1出口向前直行100米)美國駐廣州總領事館領事部客人出入口LincolnHall 講座廳一樓

活動簡介:LGBTI International Film Festival - Film Screening of Loose Cannons

Join us for an exciting screening of the movie 「Mine Vaganti」 or 「LooseCannons」 by Ferzan Ozpetek. This Italian comedy tells the story of a gay coupleand one of the partner』s decisions to reveal his homosexuality to his family.The film will be screened at the U.S. Consulate Guangzhou in partnership withthe Italian Consulate as part of the 3rd Annual International LGBTI FilmFestival.

請於活動開始前攜本人身份證/護照到指定地點參加。兒童需要大人陪同。請勿攜帶背包、挎包、行李箱等大件行李來領事館。相機, 手機和平板電腦等電子設備不得帶入館內,


Note: You will be asked to show your ID card or passport for admission.Children must be accompanied by an adult. Please do not bring in any bigluggage to the Consulate due to the space limitation. Cameras, cell phones andtablets or any digital devices are not allowed to bring in to the Consulate.Thank you for your cooperation

Please note that attendees of this event grant permission to the U.S.Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice.Permission is granted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish,broadcast or quote this material in public information programs and activities.Content procured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, throughmultiple broadcast channels and print media. Use of content (image, audio orideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much.



請您繼續閱讀更多來自 美國駐華大使館 的精彩文章:


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