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Long conversation 1

Q1: B Having friendly colleagues

解析:原文中前半部分男士說到:「The most important factor for the majority of the people interviewed was having friendly, supportive colleagues.」 對於大部分接受採訪的人來說,最重要的因素是擁有友好的、互相支持的同事們。

Q2:B 20%

解析:原文中部男士說到:「However, 20% of employees described themselves as being unhappy.」 20%的員工說他們工作得不開心。

Q3:A those of a small size

解析:後半部男士提到:「First of all, small is beautiful: people definitely prefer working for smaller organizations or companies with less than 100 staff.」 首先小就是好:人們絕對偏愛在少於100人的小公司工作。

Q4:C They can better balance work and life

解析:原文中男士說到:「And workers on part-time contracts, who only work 4 or 5 hours a day, are happier than those who work full-time. The researchers concluded that this is probably due to a better work-life balance.」 每天工作4、5個小時的兼職人員比全職人員要開心,這可能是由於一種更好的工作與生活之間的平衡。

Long conversation 2

Q5:D It is a collection of photos.

解析:原文前部分男士提到:「In 2006, when the concert hall of the city of Bruges asked me to take some pictures for a catalogue for a new concert season around the theme of water.」 在2006年,布魯日城市音樂廳請我幫他們完成一個以水為主題的攝影系列。所以這本書是一個攝影系列。

Q6: C When taking pictures for a concert catalogue.

解析:原文前部分男士提到:「In 2006, when the concert hall of the city of Bruges asked me to take some pictures for a catalogue for a new concert season around the theme of water.」 在2006年,布魯日城市音樂廳請我幫他們完成一個以水為主題的攝影系列。所以是在拍攝這個系列時產生的靈感。

Q7:A The entire European coastline will be submerged.

解析:原文中部提到:「It is clear now that it is a matter of time before the entire European coastline disappears under water.」 很明確,整個歐洲海岸線的消失只是時間的問題,由此判斷出正確答案。

Q8:D Tourists use wooden paths to reach their hotels in the morning.

解析:文章結尾提到:「Also, Venice, the city eternally threatened by the sea, where every morning wooden pathways have to be set up to allow tourists to reach their hotels.」 威尼斯全程都被海洋威脅著,每天早上人們都要搭上木橋,遊客們才能順利到達旅館。

Passage 1

Q9: C they spend too much time anticipating their defeat

解析:原文第一句說到:「When facing a new situation, some people tend to rehearse their defeat by spending too much time anticipating the worst.」 當面臨新的挑戰, 人們總花很多時間去想最壞的情況。由此得出正確答案。

Q10:D Thinking has the same effect on the nervous system as doing

解析:原文提到:「Research conducted at Stanford University shows a mental image fires the nerve system the same way as actually doing something.」 斯坦福大學發布的研究表明,心理暗示對神經系統作用巨大,會最終導致同樣的結果。

Q11:C Picture themselves succeeding


Q12:B She won her first jury trail


Passage 2

Q 13: C It helps people to avoid developing breast cancer

解析:文章前部分提到:「Telling them that eating lots of high-fiber foods could reduce the risk of breast cancer before middle age.」 攝入大量高纖維食品合一降低中年時期患乳腺癌的概率。

Q14:D It tracked their eating habits since their adolescence

解析:文章中間提到:「It turns out that those who consumed the highest levels of fiber during adolescence had a lower risk of developing breast cancer.」 研究發現青春期攝入越多纖維的女性在未來患乳腺癌的概率越低。所以答案是這項研究從她們青春期開始追蹤的。

Q15:A Fiber may help to reduce hormones in the body

解析:文章後半部分提到:「The finding points to long-standing evidence that fiber may reduce circulating female hormone levels,」 研究表明長期實驗的證據表明纖維可以降低女性體內的荷爾蒙。

Lecture 1

Q16:B Conducting research on consumer behaviour

解析:原文第一句提到:「Well my current research is really about consumer behavior.」 最近我在關注消費者行為這個課題。

Q17:D It is an act of socialisting

解析:文章中部提到:「One of the things that I ve identified is that drinking for people say between the ages of 18 and 24 is all about the social activity.」 我的一項發現是年齡在18至24歲的人喝酒是出於社交原因。

Q18:A They spent a week studying their own purchasing bahaviour.

解析:文章最後提到:「last year my students spent a week looking at their own purchasing and analyzed it in detail from shopping to the relationship that they have with their retail banks and their mobile phone providers.」 去年我的學生花了一周時間去關注、分析他們的購物情況,以及他們和銀行、手機製造商的關係。

Lecture 2

Q19: D It is likely to give up paper money in the near future

解析:在聽力原文中說到Sweden was the first European country to print and use paper money, but it may soon do away with physical currencies. 瑞典是歐洲第一個印刷並使用紙幣的國家,但可能不久就會停止使用。

Q20:C whether the absence of physical currency causes a person to spend more

解析:在聽力原文中說到Barrett wanted to find out if the absence of physical currency does indeed cause a person to spend more, so she decided to conduct an experiment a few months ago. Barrett想知道不帶現金是否會導致人們花更多的錢,所以幾個月前她決定做一個實驗。

Q21:C the restaurant car accepted cash only

解析:在聽力原文中說到On the way, there was an announcement that the restaurant car was not currently accepting credit cards. The train cars were filled with groans because many of the passengers were traveling without cash. 在火車上,她發現餐車不接受信用卡消費,結果車上便充滿了呻吟因為很多乘客都沒有帶現金。

Q22:A By putting into envelopes

解析:在聽力原文中說到My parents, when they were younger, used to budget by putting money into envelopes— they d get paid and they d immediately separate the cash into piles and put them in envelopes, so they knew what they had to spend week by week. 我父母那一代,當他們年輕的時候,他們會把錢放進信封里來做預算。當他們拿到工資後,他們便立馬把現金分為幾份並放進信封,這樣他們就能知道每周要花多少錢。

Lecture 3

Q23:B Chrome hunger

解析:原文提到:「So let』s start with a few problems. Right now, a billion people are chronically hungry.」 讓我們先來說幾個問題。現在有上十億人長期處於飢餓狀態。

Q24:B About half of them are unintended

解析:在聽力原文中說到About half of all pregnancies globally are unintended.全球有近五成意外受孕。

Q25:A It is essential to the wellbeing of all species on earth

解析:原文提到:「It』s not only the study of human population, but the populations of non-human species. Demography also includes the study of non-living objects.」 人口統計學,不僅是關於人類的種群,也關乎於非人類種群,還包括無生命的對象。由此可見,人口問題對所有物種來說都是必要的。



26. F focued

27. L trigger

28. O volunteers

29. H instructed

30. J sealed

31. M uttering

32. A apparently

33. C brilliance

34. D. claiming

35. N volume


A apparently adv 顯然的,表面的

B arrogance n 自大,傲慢

C brilliance n 光輝,才華,宏偉

D claiming v 聲稱

E dedicated adj 專註的,獻身的

F focused adj聚焦的,專心的 v 注視

G incur v 招致,引發

H instructed adj 受教育的,得到指示的;v 指示,教育

I obscurely adv 費解地,隱匿地

J sealed adj 密封的,未知的; v 封閉, 蓋印

K spectators n觀眾,旁觀者

L trigger v 引發,引起; n 扳機

M uttering v 發出,作聲; n 故意提供過偽造文件罪

N volume n 量,音量; adj 大量的; v 把.....收成卷

O volunteers n 志願者; v 志願


36. Working-class parents teach their children to be obedient and show respect to adults.

37. American parents, whether rich or poor, have similar expectations of their children despite different ways of parenting.

38. While rich parents are more concerned with their children』s psychological well-being, poor parents are more worried about their children』s safety.

39. The increasing differences in child rearing between rich and poor families reflect growing social inequality.

40. Parenting approaches of working-class and affluent families both have advantages.

41. Higher-income families and working-class families now tend to live in different neighborhoods.

42. Physical punishment is used much less by well-educated parents.

43. Ms. Lareau doesn』t believe participating in fewer after-class activities will negatively affect children』s development.

44. Wealthy parents are concerned about their children』s mental health and busy schedules.

45. Some socioeconomic differences in child rearing have shrunk in the past ten years.



46. [A] It』s backed by a campus spending analysis.

47. [B] Facilities management by colleges is more cost-effective.

48. [C] render a number of campus workers jobless

49. [A] The outsourcing plan is not yet finalized.

50. [D] He opposed the governor』s plan to reconstruct the college board system.


51. [B] It was unaffordable for ordinary people.

52. [C] They were versed in literature and interested in art.

53. [D] They gained some knowledge of classical art and architecture.

54. [B] Europe hardly had any museums before the 19th century.

55. [A] There appeared more and more Roman-style buildings.





The Tang Dynasty, beginning in the year of 618 and ending in 907, is the most splendid period in Chinese history. After three hundred years of development, it has become the world s most prosperous power and its capital, Chang an, is one of the world s largest city. During this period, there was developed economy, commercial prosperity, stable social order, and even the border open to the outside world. With the increase of the wealth of the urbanization, art and literature are also booming. Li Bai and Du Fu are poets known for work』s simplicity and nature. Their poetry has impressed scholars and ordinary people. Even today, a considerable number of their poems are still widely read by children and adults.


中文是一種動態的語言,而英文偏靜態。這就決定了兩種語言在表達上的差異,中文多習題用動詞,而英文則多用名詞和介詞。把握了這一點的情況下,我們在翻譯的時候,一個句子當出現多個動詞時,可以用並列結構來呈現,也可以用名詞性短語來替換,例如,原文中提到「這一時期,經濟發達,商業繁榮,社會秩序穩定,甚至邊境也對外開放」時,中間的這四個動賓短語「經濟發達,商業繁榮,社會秩序穩定,甚至邊境也對外開放」,就可以改用名詞性短語來替換,即為「developed economy, commercial prosperity, stable social order, and even the border open to the outside world」。此外,漢譯英有些表達,有些高大上的詞不會表達,我們可以用稍為簡單的詞來替換,考場上要隨機應變,考場下要夯實基礎,注重積累。祝各位考生朋友順利通過英語六級考試!



Section A (After becoming president of Purdue University in 2013)

26. L) significant

27. F) justify

28. E) drastically

29. D) doubtful

30. H) outcome

31. O) standardized

32. B) confirm

33. K) reputation

34. C) demanding

35. A) accurately


D 36. A number of factors are driving down the global oil prices not just for now but in the foreseeable future.

L 37. Pricing carbon proves the most economical way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

J 38. It is estimated that extreme weather conditions have endangered the lives of millions of African children.

E 39. The prices of coal are low as a result of over-supply and decreasing demand.

H 40. Higher fossil fuel prices prove to be conducive to innovation and application of cleaner technology.

A 41. If fossil fuel prices remain low for a long time, it may lead to higher emissions of greenhouse gases.

G 42. Fossil fuels remain the major source of primary energy consumption in today』s world.

F 43. Even major fossil exporting countries have great potential to develop renewable energies.

O 44. Greenhouse gas emissions, if not properly dealt with, will pose endless risks for mankind.

B 45. It is urgent for governments to increase the cost of using fossil fuels to an appropriate level to lessen the catastrophic effects of climate change.


46. D) Open data sharing is conducive to scientific advancement.

47. A) Opposed.

48. C) The belief that research data is private intellectual property.

49. C) The changing attitude of journals and funders.

50. B) benefits sharers and users alike

51. A) It is attributable to the rising value of the U.S. dollar.

52. B) They cannot be attributed to weather only.

53. D) reduce the size of its staff

54. D) To be more competitive in sales of beauty products.

55. A) Sales dropped sharply in its physical stores.




The Song Dynasty was from 960 to 1279. In this era, Chinese economy grew greatly, andbecame the most advanced economy in the world. Science, technology, philosophy and mathematics developed rapidly. China in the Song Dynasty was the first country to issue paper money in world history. The Song Dynasty was the first to use gun powder and to invent movable-type printing. Population grew rapidly. More and more people lived in cities. There were lively entertain places. There were many kinds of social life. People got together to watch and trade valuable artifacts. The government system of the Song Dynasty was the most advanced in the world at that time. Government officials were chosen and employed through competitive exams.


Initiated from AD 960 to AD 1279, the Song dynasty was an era when China』s economy boosted substantially to become the most advanced economy in the world. It』s also an era when science, technology, philosophy and mathematics flourished. This dynasty also saw the first known use of banknote, gunpowder as well as the invention movable-type. During the Song dynasty, the population of China grew quickly and an increasing number of people migrated to cities, where settled bustling entertaining sites. The social life were abundant and varied, people gathered together to visit and trade valuable works of art. The government system of Song Dynasty where all the government officials were selected and appointed through completive tests, was also unrivalled in the world at that time.



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