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2017年權威發布 歐美化妝品銷量排行榜

[CITY BEAUTY]是歐洲目前最流行的雜誌和網路美容網站,目前他們根據網路調查問卷和連鎖經營化妝品店鋪的統計,發布了2017年至今熱銷的護膚品單品的排行榜,他們的雜誌之所以熱賣就是因為可信度很高,極少有摻水現象,而且從不在排行榜中添加廣告。

1. Chanel CHANELCOCO Nourishing Lotion

This soft, light and lustrous white Gel Lotion forms a transparent, insulating film on the skin, giving a soft aroma. Moisture and lock water strong ingredients (water quality condensation and moisture accumulation ingredients) to make the skin appear silky soft, but also give the skin full of moisture. Vitamin E and C derivatives and provide the efficacy of anti free radicals.



2. Kose Snow White Whitening Lotion

Kose Sekkisei lotion is rich in coix seed, angelica, licorice and other Chinese herbal essence, prevent the formation of sun shading fleck, gradually make the skin whitening, improve skin whitening essence lotion. According to the prescription of pure plant configuration of the Han Dynasty natural make-up water, can thoroughly improve the skin and make skin appear even soft, shiny, soft smooth skin, with perfect whitening effect.

2.高絲 雪肌精美白化妝水


3. announce snail facial mask

Henan Chinese natural snail dope from the Yellow River farm, has been South Korea Ian and Jiao Yun Shi snail cream raw material suppliers, China Henan unique environment and humidity, this gave birth to the world"s best snail dope, snail dope is called skin soft gold, highly moisturizing and whitening anti wrinkle effect, and the snail dope is suitable for sensitive skin allergy crowd is almost 0, if I choose a mask, now this is my preferred snail dope.



4. Clinique CLINIQUE classic three steps

Create perfect skin, adhere to 2 times a day, 3 steps, about 2 weeks, you will see clean, smooth skin. Clinique original cleaning, exfoliating and moisturizing three steps by dermatologists research, through the understanding of your skin type three steps correctly, but the facial cleanser was dry, alcohol taste is obvious, but a good cleaning, toner or no oil or oil two clean surface is very effective for oily the use of MM skin lotion, greasy feeling but good moisturizing effect.



5.: Estee Lauder ESTEE LAUDER platinum Lotion

For the preferred light texture of the women developed platinum platinum Zhenzhi emulsion, elegant and refreshing texture easily absorbed by skin, touch skin, full of elegant and luxurious moisturizing clear, clean and uniform in good out of a bandbox.

5.: 雅詩蘭黛ESTEE LAUDER白金臻致乳液


6: (Keihl"s) Kiehl"s Kiehl"s Calendula herbal toner

Plant extracts and mild non-alcoholic lotion, can effectively balance normal to oily skin. Completely extracted marigold flower essence, have the effect of tightening the skin, also can improve skin allergies, or healing, improve acne scars to acne, shrink pores.

6: 科顏氏(契爾氏)Kiehl"s金盞花植物精華爽膚水


7: AVENE Avene comfort spring

This special toner sensitive skin contains many minerals, polymerization of silicon and colloidal sphere molecular science and technology innovation, not only can effectively clean the skin, and does not damage the natural protective barrier; contains natural plant extracts - Rose phenol and VICHY refreshing spring water, such as water quality, perfect cleaning, can soothe sensitive skin, anti allergy. Enhance the skin natural resistance.

7: AVENE雅漾 舒護活泉水


8: CLARINS CLARINS multiple valve Night Cream

Both efficient skin care and beauty functions of a classic emulsion can smooth facial skin, eliminate fatigue. Two easily absorbed light texture promotes the rapid penetration of key components into the skin: promotes night cell regeneration, helps smooth the skin, and makes the face glow.

8: 嬌韻詩CLARINS多元瓣膜晚間乳


9: Shiseido red honeydew

Red honeydew can form water film on the surface of the skin, make the water smoothly reach the depths of the stratum corneum, the moisture in the skin, increase skin softness and smoothness. Keep skin moist for the longest time. Shiseido"s star products, the best-selling single product, is a high performance make-up water.

9: 資生堂 紅色蜜露


10.DreamtimesM1 dream Trilogy

M2 dream trilogy once published, in Hong Kong and Taiwan set a super high popularity and excellent reputation, in Taiwan PPT forum has been tens of thousands of net friend named "2012 best moisturizing skin care products package."."





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TAG:春門時尚 |


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