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1. Dior hydrodynamic series

Dior in France, it is a perfect fashion, a much-anticipated fragrance brand, the symbol of a noble, elegant woman, its products have been all the love of beauty the favorite of fashionable personage. Dior hydrodynamic jade-like stone embellish the dior series suit is super classic revolutionary hydrating series product, can quickly get rid of the water shortage trouble, bring you incomparable super cool water embellish feelings at the same time, also let you experience a body and mind is pure and fresh water overflow trip, lotus blossoms jade-like stone embellish skin from the water, is moisturizing the acura suit

1、 迪奧水動力瑩潤系列


2. Promote snail facial mask

The world"s biggest snail farm is located in China"s henan province, there is the most natural snail breeding base, the snail concentrate raw material supply each big brands, including South Korea, and France, Thailand"s famous snail cream are imported raw materials in henan, this is their new brand, superior natural raw materials, the snail concentrate unique deep hydrating and repair effect was deeply loved by the developed countries, and sensitive skin and pregnant women can use is a major bright spot. If you need a patch mask, you won"t be disappointed.



3. Shiseido new white American muscle concentrated whitening repair essence liquid

Japan shiseido is Oriental aesthetics and consciousness and western technology and business practice, combining the new birth of the new whiten skin concentrated whitening essence after repair essence is to upgrade the holy, he is popular with the fans. It employs the whitening essence and shiseido apex technology new technology perfect union, brings you through white new experience at the same time, can also be effective against sun spots, age spots, acne scars and dark dumb spots such as pore, make skin even, bright.

3、 資生堂新透白美肌集中美白修護精華液


4. Lanzhi repair and lock surface film at night

Lanzhi brand has entered the Chinese market for six years, and has always been the favorite of young and fashionable women. It is the most romantic brand. This light night repair locks the water gel texture, can relieve skin deeply during sleep and efficiently improve moisture, its research and development of sweet fume essence compound Sleepscent can help relieve physical and mental, improve sleep quality. Sleep will give skin sufficient rest, improve the skin self-repair ability, present healthy skin quality. Sweet fume essence compound Sleepscent is the orange flower, rose, ylang and sandalwood tree extracts of natural herbal essence oil. It"s every night for women.

4、 蘭芝夜間修護鎖水面膜

蘭芝品牌進入中國市場6載,一直是都是年輕、時尚女性的最愛,是最具浪漫氣息的一個品牌。這款輕盈啫喱質地的夜間修護鎖水面膜,可在睡眠期間深層舒緩肌膚並高效提升水分,其研發的香熏精華複合物Sleepscent能 幫助舒緩身心,提升睡眠質量。睡眠將賦予肌膚充足的休憩,提升肌膚自我修護能力,呈現健康膚質。香熏精華複合物Sleepscent 是由橙花,玫瑰,依蘭樹及檀香木等提煉而成的天然草本精華油。是女性每晚的必備品。

5. Sk-ii skin lotion

Sk-ii products with its superior quality and significant efficacy in Asian skin care industry, which is known as "the fairy water" sk-ii skincare essence dew has been the Asian women"s most favorite products, it play Pitera repair magic power, to face the problem of miraculous gradually fade, the skin become more and more meticulous, also can help to improve skin"s natural physiological function, the level of absolute is the fairy.

5、 SK-II護膚精華露


6. Sisley sisley all-around lotion

Heath li of the world"s top luxury skin care brand, is the most popular star artist masterpiece, is also a noble pet, especially young women can only dream of product, the heath li sisley all-around emulsion is surely become the focus of attention, it contains centella asiatica, ginseng, rosemary, hops, horsetails and other plant essence, can activate the skin, improve skin texture, moisturizing and firming, universal repair, make skin healthy balance, by a woman"s love.

6、 希思黎sisley全能乳液


7. Cogan"s high moisturizing cream

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the moisturizing and hydrating holy products is the koyan high moisturizing cream, which is very refreshing and not only provides 24 hours of moisture, but also continues to hydrate throughout the day. And even in harsh weather, skin can be visibly hydrate, making the skin look smooth, healthy and moist. It"s no wonder that it"s been recognized by women as an unparalleled cream.

7、 科顏氏 高保濕面霜


8. Exquisite white lotion of high silk snow

Kose as one of Japan"s big three cosmetics manufacturers, whitening and moisturizing effect in the same type product is absolutely superior, the muscle fine white kose snow water, once has the majority of consumers of the essence of snow muscle fanatical pursuit, it is a used to prevent the formation of dark spots by the because the sun freckles, let skin as white as snow, so as to improve the skin whitening lotion, absolute classic.

8、 高絲雪肌精美白化妝水


9. The fresh water of the spring water will reveal the water

To become the world"s top brand biotherm, relies on its own profile women dream of products, the biotherm living spring embellish waterproof dew is also full of the temptation of first-rate, the upgrading of its new AQUASOURCE green living spring, add patent Mannose dew moisture, 5 layers of your skin, can from the bottom of the muscle to layers of water, make skin starting from 5 deep layer water ripples the full! The 48h moisturizing effect is no more than the same product. No wonder it is a brand of biequan brand.

9、 碧歐泉 活泉潤透水份露


10, the dream makeup elasticity lift essence dew

Dream makeup pursuit for global women make a makeup look like a dream, and have been deeply touched the hearts of the myriad MM this dream makeup elasticity essence dew ascension is makeup of scientific experts breakthrough to gain inspiration from nature in spring, the quintessence of soybean, pumpkin, the active components of health in the rye, developed a unique SPR - ING Complex essence ingredient, just gave birth to the star item.


夢妝追求為全球女性打造出像夢境般的妝容,一直深深牽動著萬千MM的心,這款夢妝彈力提升精華露是夢妝的科研專家突破性地從春天的大自然中獲得的靈感,精萃大豆、南瓜、黑麥中健康的有效成分,研製出獨特的SPR-ING Complex精華配方,才誕生了這款明星單品。



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