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【辦公】Appareil 建築事務所 | 巴塞羅那創意街區CO-WORKING


巴塞羅那的聯合辦公空間的設計非同一般,顛覆對傳統的印象。沒有任何時尚的吊燈,給人十分舒適的工作氛圍。 你在這個地方找不到任何多餘的裝飾。

Unlike some of the more hipster versions of co-working spaces you』re likely to encounter, this one comes without the fake grass and overstuffed beanbags. There』s a distinct lack of 『café lifestyle』 about it. Neither are there any 『funky』 pendant lights dotted around the place to make you feel you』ve just turned up at your local cool wine bar. You』ll find none of that sort of nonsense at this place.

由建築事務所 APPAREIL 設計,這家位於巴塞羅那的聯合辦公室打破傳統設計。 事實上, 簡潔的線條和完美的細節是唯一的配件,是一個自由流動的,不受阻礙的空間。項目位於巴塞羅那波里諾地區一座倉庫建築的頂層。保留原始結構以混凝土工業風為主。牆面木板擱架的巧妙設計,呈現多元化的組合。

Designed by the architects APPAREIL, this Barcelona based co-working office is anything but over worked. In fact, it』s the exact opposite. Clean lines and perfect detailing are the only accoutrements to what is essentially a free flowing, unencumbered space. Sparse but in all the right ways, this converted warehouse is on the top floor of a building in Poblenou, the city』s former industrial quarter. But it doesn』t yell industrial with exposed rafters and acres of concrete. It softly whispers calm and subtle with it』s beautifully crafted cabinetry and the deployment of sophisticated restraint.


A simple design, a rectangular open space, it incorporates two intricate, milled-timber, multifunctional walls, which contain all the necessary equipment and working solutions for a multidisciplinary group of people to collectively work together. The space is designed to evolve on a daily basis depending on the activities and functions that go on there. One wall has ability to integrate furniture to host temporary working locations for the designers, architects and entrepreneurs. Long floating tables are perfect for model making, drawing or just tapping away at your laptop. The kitchen and bathroom are located on the perimeter of the warehouse, both simply designed, in character with the rest of space. There』s a winter garden too that faces the sea.

這個空間專為設計工作者而作,也是一個多行業交融創造互動的一次嘗試。 將不一樣的人聚集於此,在集中了無數靈感的街區中創造出一個創意中心。

The space was specifically designed to be open plan and unencumbered, so that artist and architect could work alongside each other, sharing, collaborating, and creating a melting pot of ideas. The transparency of the floor layout resonates with the idea behind the transparency of the interactions between the professional disciplines that work there.

Appareil 建築事務所 | 巴塞羅那創意街區CO-WORKING




Appareil 建築事務所

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