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Why Sci-Fi Action is the new thing

Its reflection on Fierce Femininity


Matrix-SciCyberPunk-Hollywood-Misfits-Pop Goth


Forget theminimalism or maximalist trends, with today』s social media, digital and virtual become stronger than ever, we』re seeing an obvious trend of the future;mixing entertainment and fashion with an undeniable shift in comic book themes including the strong female action heroinesslash cyborgs mirroring a trend inHollywoodblockbusters.

The Valerian



The trend of Sci-Fi action movies has recently been placing women figures on more authorative /key positions creating a flagrant statement; From the newStar WarsandGhost in a Shell,to teen book series such asHunger GamesandThe Divergentare all anchored by strong powerful women of leadership.ExMachina, Suicide Square, Blade Runner 2049, The Valarian(2017 –June), andMarvel』s superheroes- Wonderwoman(2017-July) just to name a few are also more examples of this new trend showcasing fierce femininity playing a center role in blockbusters, either through an action figure heroine(or villain).

Ghost in a Shell


Suicide Squad

Fifth Element

「隨著性別角色的日益模糊,人們將獨立強勢的女性認作是女中豪傑、人之楷模,扭轉了女性在當今社會中的地位」——–Non-Obvious系列叢書(Rohit Bhargava)

「As our definitions of gender become grayer and more fluid, fiercely independent women are increasingly celebrated as heroines, seen as role models and shifting the role of women in modern society」 –Book of Non-Obvious Trends- Rohit Bhargava


從公關的角度來看,2015年戛納國際創意節(Cannes Lions)的最佳公關類大獎之所以花落寶潔公司,靠的就是那則深入姑娘心房的廣告 # Likeagirl,將「像女孩那樣」這個曾經帶有羞辱意味的話,化作一種力量,表達出身為女性的驕傲。廣告片中一群青春期的少女像女孩那樣奔跑、擲球,重新評估了女孩子的做事風格。Nike、Adidas、Puma、MAC等品牌紛紛跟風,追隨同一潮流。

From aPR perspective, in 2015,Cannes Lions PR Grand Prixwent toProcter & Gamblecampaign#Likeagirlreclaiming the phrase from being an insult to something very powerful and meaningful in the hearts of women. The campaign featured a series of both tweens and teenage women running or throwing ball like a girl re-evaluating what it means to do things like a girl.Nike, Adidas, Puma, MAC, etc are all other brands following the same movement.


The Fashion industryexpresses this through a mixture of futuristic concepts such as The Matrix, 90』s cybertech , post apocalypse bondage warrior themes and pop goth this season; PVC and rainbowed latex, skin tight spandex, extra thigh high heels, strong shoulders, sci-fi ultra-skinny shades and the non-of the above, showcasing the empowerment of women and their sexuality whilst raising voice on the new feminism movement of power, audacity and independence.

整體風格/The Looks -墨鏡和飾品/Shades and Accessories:


Why is they re the notion of Cyberpunk Feminism?

Matrix eyewear

Cyber-Ghetto bling



WearingOOK Accessories( chocker and rings), chain from Tiffany&Co

Cyberpunk and Feminismis something that has been studied over decades of time which has created controversy amongst cyberpunk fans, there』s been large debates over the internet on how it reflects strong feminism whilst being drawn by men as the 「sexy cyborg」 aka robotic sex objects. Nevertheless, as we enter an era strongly focused on digital with an oppressive society increasingly dominated by technology and large corporations, it』s not a surprise that the digital era and fierce feminism leads to a significant impact on social media and fashion trends. Cyberpunk feminism is also known to some as a form of 「extreme feminism」 according toThe Cyberpunk Project,it 「usually prefers a different feminism from the more mainstream one we know today, showcasing the difference in equality between men and women. In contrast , Cyberpunks version goes back to an earlier historic stage of feminism, the one advocating equality at all costs (extremist), Molly from Neuromancer is a typical example: strong and ruthless, violent and independent in order to survive.

Post Apocalypse Gothic Warrior


What is more evident in cyberpunk fiction is also the extreme individualism of its characters. This individualism is sometimes rebellious, egocentric, and anarchic」, representing an extreme form of feminist cult which has been significantly toned down , creating the 「trickle down」 effect for the mass and influenced by fashion, especially on Social Media targeting globalMillennialsandGenZwho』ve grown in a digital environment and who are much less binded by rules and authority with the strong desire for more freedom.


Cyber art by @dabeiyuzhou -ins

Photos taken from social media platforms

Article by Yanie Durocher-楊森





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