首頁 > 設計 > 【住宅】We Are Huntly | 墨爾本南雅區 Pied-a-Terre 公寓

【住宅】We Are Huntly | 墨爾本南雅區 Pied-a-Terre 公寓



This is not your average run-of-the-mill South Yarra apartment. Designed by We Are Huntly, this warm and intimate nest maximises every space to create a functioning and inviting home-away-from-home. A space that is unexpected and asymmetrically balanced using an installation of beautiful objects, the South Yarra Residence maximises every aspect.


From the moment one steps inside this considered home, a stone ledge and polished plaster niche acs as a welcoming device. Curved walls complement the asymmetric nature of the apartment and open up the dining area to capture the sense of space.


A full-height custom mirror was added to further enhance this sense of openness while reflecting the heritage fa?ade and tree-lined street beyond the terrace. 「

隨著現代風格的盛行和原木傢具的選擇,We Are Huntly事務所設計把市中心公寓變成了一個家。

With a modern and understated selection of furniture and new joinery throughout, WAH turned our inner-city apartment into a home,」 shares the happy client.

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