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護膚品排行榜前十名 目前最靠譜最真實的排名


NO.1 Estee Lauder platinum luxury pet Lotion

For the preferred light texture of the women developed platinum platinum Zhenzhi emulsion, elegant and refreshing texture easily absorbed by skin, touch skin, full of elegant and luxurious moisturizing clear, clean and uniform in good out of a bandbox. To help the skin against environmental damage caused by aging skin, the skin nursed back to its best.

NO.1 雅詩蘭黛白金級奢寵緊顏乳液


NO.2 announced snail facial mask

This is a Chinese from Henan snail, snail stoste called skin soft gold, deep repair and anti-aging effect to wrinkle effect has long been recognized around the world, but now the environment of snail farming is not much, so many of them are snails liquid synthetic, the effect is poor, the Henan the Yellow River basin is one of the world"s China good aquaculture environment, they have been to South Korea and France Ian Jiao Yun Shi the supply of raw materials, now announced by South Korea successfully replaced the Ian snail products, natural snail dope really, very easy to use.

NO.2 宣致蝸牛面膜


NO.3 Avene comfort spring

This special toner sensitive skin contains many minerals, polymerization of silicon and colloidal sphere molecular science and technology innovation, can effectively clean the skin perfectly clean, can soothe sensitive skin, enhance skin allergy, natural resistance. Effective cleansing and soothe sensitive skin, eliminate allergic symptoms of swollen red, refreshing texture without sticky feeling.

NO.3 雅漾舒護活泉水


NO.4 Lancome essence liquid (small black bottle)

The most striking women online is famous brand Lancome, the most flourishing his family this black bottle essence muscle bottom liquid is also the market speculation, it is the world"s first "gene maintenance" and "the essence of muscle bottom liquid products, leading the new trend of global beauty! Only to keep skin from the beginning of" gene maintenance ". The basal skin will become more good.

NO.4 蘭蔻精華肌底液(小黑瓶)


NO.5 Kiehl"s Calendula herbal toner

This gentle, non - alcoholic plant extract is effective in balancing normal to oily skin. Have the effect of tightening the skin, but also can improve skin allergies, or help improve the healing of acne scars, pox and India, shrink pores.

NO.5 科顏氏金盞花植物精華爽膚水


NO.6 SK-II immortal water

The "immortals" two words attracted no sex touching it, with Pitera containing yeast extract is rich in various nutrients up to more than 90%, every day to provide adequate nutrition for the skin and the skin, deep moisturizing, balance the skin pH value, shape the moist smooth skin color. It"s called the most magical water".

NO.6 SK-II神仙水


NO.7 Kiehl"s high moisturizing cream

Mention of moisturizing products St., the first thought is Kiehl"s high moisturizing cream, it is refreshing, not only can provide 24 hours of continuous moisture, replenish water in a day. And even in severe weather, it also allows the skin to visibly balance moisture, so that the skin looks smooth, healthy and moist. No wonder women are recognized as an incomparable cream.

NO.7 科顏氏高保濕面霜


NO.8 Mamonde stretch essence

The pursuit of Mamonde for women around the world to create a dream like makeup, deeply affects thousands of MM, the Mamonde lifting essence is Mamonde"s research experts breakthrough from the spring in the nature of inspiration, the essence of soybean, pumpkin, rye healthy active ingredients, SPR-ING Complex unique essence formula developed, before the birth of the star of a single product.

NO.8 夢妝彈力提升精華露

夢妝追求為全球女性打造出像夢境般的妝容,一直深深牽動著萬千MM的心,這款夢妝彈力提升精華露是夢妝的科研專家突破性地從春天的大自然中獲得的靈感,精萃大豆、南瓜、黑麥中健康的有效成分,研製出獨特的SPR-ING Complex精華配方,才誕生了這款明星單品。

NO.9 KOSE Kose snow cream make-up water

Deep in the hearts of women, unprecedented whitening make-up water. Can effectively improve the skin"s dull phenomenon, so that the skin becomes more bright and clear. Sekkisei added moisturizing ingredients ultrafine particles (wheat germ oil), is out of the ordinary white shape, and can make the skin after use feel comfortable moist feeling.

NO.9 KOSE高絲雪肌化妝水


NO.10 Neutrogena Aqua essence

The famous Neutrogena, this water Yingtou is the most classic moisturizing moisturizing water in a water, he is also a home town store treasure, it contains hyaluronic acid, sustained release of water, and provide sufficient moist environment for dry cells, make skin moist and plump, is the classic.

NO.10 露得清水活盈透深層保濕精華素





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