首頁 > 設計 > 【改造】畢路德建築 | 深圳萬科中心 ? 漂浮的地平線,躺著的摩天樓

【改造】畢路德建築 | 深圳萬科中心 ? 漂浮的地平線,躺著的摩天樓




With the staff expansion brought from the rapid development and the change of new office mode, Vanke urgently needs an enhanced space that can integrate reception, meeting and social activities as a whole. Thus it can be seen that the renovation task carries a substantial meaning.

深圳萬科中心是環保節能和建築充分融合的典範,Steven Holl實驗性的建築設計理念「漂浮的地平線,躺著的摩天樓」經過十年生長,已經成為真正屬於這座城市可持續性的標誌景觀,矗立於大地,經久而不衰。在畢路德看來,室內設計更需成為企業價值觀在空間形態上的投射。伴隨萬科快速發展帶來的人員擴張,以及新型辦公方式的改變,萬科總部急需一個集接待、會議、社交為一體的升級空間,可見此次接手的改造任務意義非同一般。

Shenzhen Vanke Headquarters is a very good example on how the environment protection and energy-saving are blended into architecture. The architecture concept of 『the floating horizon skyscraper』 by Steven Holl, after ten years of growth, has become a real sustainable landmark landscape standing high in the city.


In the face of this prestigious architecture and numerous design needs, BLVD took a rigorous and calm attitude, full of enthusiasm and imagination, showing a complex office space with new conceptfor the audience. The open and comfortable reception area as well as the natural and warm meeting area are just like the nature of the clutch, when playing their important roles respectively, at the same time, creating interactions and surprises.





溫暖天光盒中盒——VIP 會議區

VIP區的設計靈感起始於Steven Holl建築工業外殼帶來的「盒中盒」概念。每一個功能體塊都代表著一個空間個體。我們用暖色木材來製造與混凝土和金屬外盒的對比。原建築第六層的大量天光窗洞被利用在室內設計中,是設計的原點之一。空間布局對應著這些天窗位置,巧妙地引入天光,從而為空間注入自然的氣息。

The VIP floor starts with the idea of 『box inside box』 given by the industrial envelope of the building. Each function of the program becomes an object itself. BLVD uses warm wood to create a contrast with the concrete and metal envelope. A number of skylights were designed on 6F of the building so the designer used them as a design motive. To bring sunlight to the interior spaces means to bring nature. The VIP reception room is designed following the idea of dry garden, where ground relieves and vertical lines create shadows and soft movements through the space. The conference room is set as half round table, which is able to gather people together and have video meetings facing not only a screen but also each other. The wood material also has acoustic and thermic qualities. BLVD chooses dark gray carpet for the floor to create the isolation conditions and also to bring a softer and warmer texture to the space.


The reception area is located on the third level with a chic and free loft style. The design, which intends to break out the traditional office style and mono-function spacing concept, endeavors to create a dramatic experience for the staff and clients. With cold cement paint, dark carpet and exposed ceiling, one may think it must be an unfriendly space, but it surprisingly turns out to be a very warm space attributed to the touchup of bright-colored and featured furniture. Meeting rooms of different sizes can meet the request of different capacities. The meeting rooms of various shapes add dynamic rhythm to the space dedicated to meeting use.


Besides meeting room, Juice Bar and Lounge are also incorporated into the space to create a comfortable ambience for breakout and waiting. The spiral shaped meeting rooms, with its warm lighting and light green carpet, make people stay in a very relaxed mood. There is no pretentious design in the entire space. The application of natural and rough materials, such as the exposed ceiling and the bright colors in some special spaces, which undoubtedly breaks the dull color scheme of the space. Such modern Loft style is always full of surprise, making the staff feel so warm and free.


The whole project shows Vanke』s sincere exploration on the relationships between man and man, man and nature, as well as man and society; its humble and low-profile gesture on building the bridge between nature livings and urban life.

畢路德建築 | 深圳萬科中心室內設計改造



畢路德由杜昀先生和劉紅蕾女士於2001年共同創立。「始於簡單,止於至善」,源於對「至善和諧」理念的共同追求,十六年來,畢路德創作出一系列情、景、境相融合的設計精品,以國際化的現代語言重新詮釋東方審美中推崇備至的「意境」之美,並通過自然、空間與人的相互對話,為觀者帶來無限遐思。兼具靈動的創意與嚴謹的學術精神, 開創「建築、景觀、室內」三位一體的全新格局,畢路德不僅在酒店設計與辦公設計方面表現出類拔萃,亦是公認的中國最優秀的濱水設計專家。2016年,畢路德作為中國環境設計高端品牌,更吸引了啟迪設計集團(300500)入股,雙方通過各領域資源的整合,精緻提供以文化創意為設計核心,具備開展建築工程設計全業務流程資質和建設工程領域集成技術的高端一體化服務體系。

BLVD was jointly established by Mr. Du Yun and Ms. Liu Honglei in 2001. 『To start with simplification; to end with perfection』 conveys their shared pursuit of 『perfectionism and harmony』. Over the past 16 years since establishment, BLVD has created a series of excellent works that perfectly combine scene, emotion and artistic conception. BLVD re-interprets the beauty of 『artistic conception』 that is highly praised in oriental aesthetics through internationalized and modernized language and further brings infinite imagination for visitors through the dialogue between nature, space and man. Embracing intelligent creativity and precise academic spirits, BLVD has become a trinity of architecture, landscape and interior design. BLVD does not only show excellence in hotel and office design, but is also acknowledged as the best expert in Chinese waterfront design industry. In 2016, as a high-end brand of Chinese environmental design, BLVD successfully attracted Tus-Design Group Co., Ltd (300500) to buy its stocks. BLVD and Tus-Design Group integrate resources in various fields aiming at establishing a high-end integral service system capable of providing complete service of construction design as well as construction technology with cultural creative ideas as the core.








設 計 師丨劉紅蕾、Abel、胡家藝

Client | Vanke Group

Design area | 2500 sqm

Project location | Shenzhen

Design time | 2015

Completion time | 2016

Design company | BLVD International

Designer | Liu Honglei, Abel, Hu Jiayi

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