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如何正確佩戴珠寶類首飾?Proper way to wear diamond jewellery

女士們,相信你們一定有機會佩戴鑽石珠寶出席高級社交場合。但是你們知道戒指應該戴在哪根手指上嗎?怎樣正確地佩戴鑽石手鏈、鑽石胸針?為了避免失態,讓我們一起聽聽義大利高級珠寶大師Yves Lemay的講解。

Dear ladies, I am sure you have the opportunity to wear diamonds for high-social events. But at which finger shall you wear your ring? How do you place a diamond bracelet? A diamond brooch? To avoid faux-pas, we will listen again to master Yves Lemay.


Guillaume Rué de Bernadac

Rué de Bernadac先生專業的禮儀素養來自於他的家族背景。他的祖母和曾祖父是摩洛哥國王及其家庭成員的私人教師。


Diamond ring


How to wear it: If the lady is not married, she wears it on the ring finger on the right hand. If she is married, she may wear it on the left hand if this is her engagement or wedding ring.


Our advice: Don』t stack different rings on the same finger. To show refinement, try to match perfectly your band wedding ring with the same shape and similar elements of the engagement ring.


Diamond bracelets


How to wear it:Prefer to wear them on the right hand, as it is the hand we use the most. Therefore, fine jewellery bracelets hanging freely on the hand will give a very refined and sensual attitude.


Our advice:On the other hand, it is better to wear a bracelet slightly tighter: if it has some elements on top, it will avoid them to slide under the wrist.




How to wear it: Prefer to wear them on the right hand, as it is the hand we use the most. Therefore, fine jewellery bracelets hanging freely on the hand will give a very refined and sensual attitude.


Our advice: Large brooches can be worn in a more original way, for example, mounted on a scarf, and even put a massive brooch at the waist, if the jewel fits well with the dress. If you want to wear a diamond brooch, the cloth would ideally be monochrome, and better in strict or classic style for the brooch to standout most effectively.


Beautiful brooches from Van Cleef and Arpels


Necklaces and pendants


How to wear it:Diamond necklaces and pendants look particularly striking with an open shoulder dress. On the other hand, if you have a closed shoulder dress, one sober or dark colour, a diamond necklace can increase your elegance and refine your look.


Our advice: I recommend you to note that diamond jewelry, including diamond watches, look better during nighttime. They are perfect accessories to choose for a formal and elegant evening.


To be avoided

1. 將鑽石首飾和流行首飾混合佩戴。不管流行首飾多麼漂亮和優質,混合佩戴都會讓真正的鑽石看起來很掉價。

Combining diamond jewelry with fashion jewelry. No matters how beautiful and high quality these can be, they will inevitably tarnish the impression left by the real diamond jewels.

2. 同時佩戴胸針和項鏈:這樣做會稍顯浮誇,不合時宜。

Wearing a brooch with a necklace: wearing a brooch with a necklace is viewed as bad and inappropriate manners as it is overstatement.


The true beauty is simplicity as Cartier shows it.


Ladies, I simply have to wish you the best luck for your next high-end social event!



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