首頁 > 設計 > 【商業】寸DESIGN | 葡萄牙SERIP燈具展廳 ? 遇見一束光的設計

【商業】寸DESIGN | 葡萄牙SERIP燈具展廳 ? 遇見一束光的設計


A.感受SERIP / 



When I first saw the Portuguese brand SERIP lamps, their round, spiral and irregular shapes rootedfrom the nature remind me of the fantasy world in the movie Alice"s Adventuresin Wonderland. 


Getting rid of traditional rules, the lamp design perfectlyintegrates styles such as minimalism, modern and classical. I love SERIP, itgives me a kind of fantastic, romantic and stunning colorful feeling. It is abig surprise for me that I had the chance to design its Beijing exhibition hallin March 2017. 

B.空間氣質 / 

Space Temperament


In my opinion, a good design should be a customized one rather than a copy. Each space has its owntemperament, the designer must enter the space to feel it, and then design accordingly. Exhibition hall design is a sort of display design, which combinesthe best space relation between people, exhibits and space. 


When I was commissioned by SERIP to do the design, all I wanted to do is creating a verydifferent form of exhibition hall. This "difference" should have itsown temperament, so we went to the space to feel it. 

C.遇見一束光 / 

Encounter a beam oflight


When we came to theproject location in Maquanying Beijing, it was around 3 pm in April. The housestands in a spacious plant area. It is in color steel tile structure with lowcost and rough construction, and integrates with surrounding buildings as awhole. All in all, it lacks conditions of being an independent brand store.Although this first impression disappoints us, when we walked into this space,a beam of light shone into the space through the only skylight, it was like avery clean line drawn in the air dividing the space into two parts. 


At that moment I found the temperament of this space! It is this beam of sunshine thatdivides the space. Likewise, lamp can bring different display effects indaytime and at night. So we use this beam of light cutting the space into blackand white spaces, where the two extreme colors are both contradictory andunited. 


After some combination, the borders of the two colors align with theborder of that beam of light, thus a perfect state was achieved which enables SERIP lamps show their lighting effect and charm both in daytime and at night. 


D.方法論 / 



In the black area and white area, we created someartificial light according to SERIP products. In the black area, a number of crystal lamps were displayed to show the value and light of lamp to the most extent;while in the white area, lamps with good-looking shapes were displayed andthese unique handblown glass lamps is shown perfectly. 


As to the facade, we used the form of slices in thefacade to hide the whole building, instead of strengthening the building itself. 


The white slices formed the main point of view of the hall. Under sunlight, the shadows of slices change with time. What"s more, as no obvious entrance is design, so the independence of the whole exhibition hall is formed.


We have added some graywalls in the space, which helps to form separate independent areas in black andwhite spaces. These areas are used to show the lamps, acting as the backgroundof the display. 


SERIP lamps are sobeautiful and romantic that they should appeared in fairy tale world. Thus, wefound animal images with matching temperament and put them inside the gray wallto create a fantastic field. 

E.價值 / 




When the SERIP fixture isfinished, the space looks very unique. In my opinion, a good commercial designis to cater for business, not for the eyes, nor the expression desire ofdesigner. So I think, only when lamps and lanterns in this space are bought by customers, the space design was proved to be a good one. 

F.總結 / 




Good design creates agood space, good space creates good value. Let"s meet next year in March, whenthe beam of light returns to this space and once again divides the space intotwo parts, we will hold a party in this fantastic forest.

寸 DESIGN | 葡萄牙SERIP燈具展廳




作為一位80 年代出生的設計師,身上充滿了這個時代的符號,  集叛逆,個性,細緻,嚴謹於一身與當下最時尚的元素緊密相連  ,不做傳統設計的奴隸, 不是審美趨勢的附庸者不斷超越自己!


2015 年成為中國設計星全國總冠軍

2016 年獲得中國金堂獎最佳辦公空間設計獎

2016 年入圍 Andrew Martin 年鑒

2016 年獲得美國IIDA 全球卓越設計大獎 

2016 年成為40 UNDER 40 中國設計傑出青年

2017 年同時獲得紅點與IF 雙項德國設計大獎 

2017 年獲得全球Architizer A+設計獎

2017 年獲得義大利A『 Design 獎

2017 年獲得台灣TID 辦公空間金獎


設計公司 | 寸DESIGN (www.cunchina.cn)

主案設計 | 崔樹

項目位置 | 北京市馬泉營豐匯園

項      目 | 燈具展廳空間

項目面積 | 430㎡

設計時間 | 2017年 

竣工時間 | 2017年

攝  影 師 | 王廳,王瑾






供稿 /



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【室內】左通右達 | 鐵血山莊 ? 建築師自宅的成長和重生

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