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1 Lancome Lancome black bottle

This brand is not only the French national treasure brand of skin care products, but also one of the world famous cosmetics brands. It is also the essential brand skin care product of many Hollywood actresses. This product is the world's first gene maintenance based essence products, won the more than 100 Beauty Awards in the world, can repair the skin deep muscle layer, make the skin more youthful, suitable for 30 years old people.

1 蘭蔻蘭蔻小黑瓶


2 announce snail facial mask

The older woman body water loss more quickly, this time moisturizing and repair has become a key, natural skin becomes soft snails liquid gold, has long been internationally recognized, but we usually use 99% of all snails liquid chemical synthesis, real snail dope less and less, only China Henan Switzerland and two breeding base to be recognized, and the Swiss environmental cold, the output is small, the quality is not good, so Ian Korea and France and other big international skin care products are imported by Henan snail dope, Xuan is Henan Yun Chi biological sub brand, the judges will buy not to buy anything to declare, snail brand.

2 宣致蝸牛面膜


3 Estee Lauder small brown bottle

Estee Lauder small brown bottle is the family of skin care Estee Lauder's effort, and its influence and Estee Lauder small black bottle name. Compared to other high-end brand skin care products, Estee Lauder small brown bottle price is considered a very cost-effective category, and that is precisely why it is also very recognized cost-effective skin care products. Small brown bottles with excellent reputation to become a star products. As a veteran of the legendary Estee Lauder essence, little brown bottle burst product status has been difficult to shake, the Estee Lauder family has become a rising star, is the essence of good dew.

3 雅詩蘭黛 小棕瓶


4 Chanel blue base essence

Although Chanel has been known to the French perfume, but also have their own skin care products, the blue muscle bottom added three mysterious plant essence ingredients, make skin care sector in the LOHAS formula, Costa Rica and Italy and Greece olive green coffee incense tree composition to the largest young skin care, very suitable for the 30 year old female skin care needs. Chanel blue muscle base essence is a lot of people are super favorite, this Chanel is a world luxury.

4 香奈兒藍色肌底精華


5 SK-II skin essence lotion (immortal water)

SK-II is the high-end products and skincare industry, by virtue of this skin care essence (also called fairy water) topped the charts, containing pitera component brand unique, acid-base balance, regulate skin muscle, increase skin cell resistance, promote the balance of the The new supersedes the old. but many popular stars, men and women are in use, effect good is in a complete mess.

Star product: SK-II God of water is the enduring star product, once listed by many people's favorite, but many people also become immortal water fan, although the fairy water is a popular in a wide range of skin care products, but because of the reasons for the price, a lot of MM SK-II or gods of water prohibitive.

5 SK-II 護膚精華露(神仙水)


6 small green bottle Helena

HR Helena (Helena Rubinstein) is the L'OREAL group's top luxury beauty brand, can play the anti wrinkle and repair effect, according to a series of skin problems caused by skin aging, skin for 30 years. Helena LOHAS new essence of 2010 listed (green bottle) once available on the market for 3 years: fame won 38 international awards, received 4 patents. Even on its website, 30 milliliters of small green bottles cost thousands, and there are reports that small green bottles can sell 1 bottles a minute, with a buyback rate of more than 90%. A girl next to countless wesmael.

6 赫蓮娜 小綠瓶

HR赫蓮娜 (Helena Rubinstein) 是歐萊雅集團旗下的頂極奢華美容品牌,能夠起到抗皺和修復作用,針對的是皮膚衰老引起的一系列肌膚問題,適合30歲皮膚使用。2010年上市的赫蓮娜悅活新生精華(小綠瓶)一經面世就一舉成名:上市3年榮膺38項國際大獎,獲得4項專利。即使在其官網上30毫升的小綠瓶售價上千,依舊有報道表明小綠瓶每分鐘就能售出1瓶,回購率超過90%。

7 Biotherm live spring Lotion

Biotherm products have been the main component of mineral organic active factor in hot springs, contains a variety of trace elements in skin needs, especially the spring dew has a large number of PETP factor, as long as a little bit can supply water, wake up skin deep water circulation activity, use the skin appears to play, slippery, press the skin immediately with water feeling. In the non Huoquan Shui were exposed is the counter top selling zhenshanzhibao really. Live spring water dew - Biotherm first hit the world town shop trump card. Each bottle contains the equivalent of 5000 liters of hot water contained in the rich PETP, only pea size, you can make the skin moisture, showing the perfect state. According to statistics, the world sells 3 bottles per minute.

7 碧歐泉 活泉水份露


8 SU:M37 degrees breath surprise moisture series

SU:M37 is LG degrees healthy life group's advanced skin care brand, with the well-known whoo, Sulwhasoo Korean cosmetics etc. the high-end brand is different, the respiratory SU:M37 degrees home products advocate is the concept of natural fermentation. In recent years, because of its safe ingredients and good skin effect, it has been loved by more and more women who pursue healthy skin care.

8 SU:M37°呼吸驚喜水分系列


9 snow cream lotion

Everybody is not strange to this, in Korea the ace position of skin care circles is unshakable. It is amore Pacific Group's brand, South Korea's top drug, mainly using ginseng as raw materials. Anyway, word of mouth popularity is there, prices are at least one thousand small, not very close to the people,

9 雪花秀保濕乳


10 Freeplus Cleansing Cream

Japan's Freeplus is a well-known cosmetic brand, Freeplus products are almost zero stimulation, plus Chinese herbal plants and especially suitable for sensitive skin, especially the Cleansing Cream Series in clean at the same time, but also to the moisturizing effect on the skin is not tight, not greasy, wash the skin smooth slip.

10 芙麗芳絲洗面奶





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