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又到了一年N次吐槽美國大學學費的時刻了,眾所周知,甭管是公立大學還是私立大學,每年這學費都漲的不亦樂乎,這也直接導致美國的學生負債已經高達1.3萬億美元了。那美國到底哪些學校學費最貴?Business Insider根據各校2016-2017年官方公布的學費數據列出了全美學費最貴大學TOP50。來瞅瞅你們的夢想上榜了沒?

50. 布朗大學 Brown University

Location: Providence, Rhode Island

Total cost: $64,566

Tuition: $51,366

Room and board: $13,200

49. 霍巴特威廉史密斯學院 Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Location: Geneva, New York

Total cost: $64,573

Tuition: $51,523

Room and board: $13,050

48. 巴克內爾大學 Bucknell University

Location: Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Total cost: $64,616

Tuition: $51,960

Room and board: $12,656

47. 耶魯大學 Yale University

Location: New Haven, Connecticut

Total cost: $64,650

Tuition: $49,480

Room and board: $15,170

46. 康奈爾大學 Cornell University

Location: Ithaca, New York

Total cost: $64,853

Tuition: $50,953

Room and board: $13,900

45. 杜蘭大學 Tulane University

Location: New Orleans, Louisiana

Total cost: $64,854

Tuition: $51,010

Room and board: $13,844

44. 衛斯理大學 Wesleyan University

Location: Middletown, Connecticut

Total cost: $64,862

Tuition: $50,912

Room and board: $13,950

43. 波莫納學院 Pomona College

Location: Claremont, California

Total cost: $64,957

Tuition: $49,352

Room and board: $15,605

42. 康涅狄格學院 Connecticut College

Location: New London, Connecticut

Total cost: $65,000

Tuition: $50,940

Room and board: $14,060

41. 科爾蓋特大學 Colgate University

Location: Hamilton, New York

Total cost: $65,030

Tuition: $51,955

Room and board: $13,075

40. 羅徹斯特大學 University of Rochester

Location: Rochester, New York

Total cost: $65,032

Tuition: $50,142

Room and board: $14,890

39. 本寧頓學院 Bennington College

Location: North Bennington, Vermont

Total cost: $65,090

Tuition: $50,570

Room and board: $14,520

38. 波士頓大學 Boston University

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Total cost: $65,110

Tuition: $50,240

Room and board: $14,870

37. 波士頓學院 Boston College

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Total cost: $65,114

Tuition: $51,296

Room and board: $13,818

36. 里德學院 Reed College

Location: Portland, Oregon

Total cost: $65,300

Tuition: $52,150

Room and board: $13,150

35. 聖路易斯華盛頓大學 Washington University in St. Louis

Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Total cost: $65,366

Tuition: $49,770

Room and board: $15,596

34. 倫斯勒理工學院 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Location: Troy, New York

Total cost: $65,427

Tuition: $50,797

Room and board: $14,630

33. 德雷塞爾大學 Drexel University

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Total cost: $65,432

Tuition: $51,065

Room and board: $14,367

32. 威廉姆斯學院 Williams College

Location: Williamstown, Massachusetts

Total cost: $65,480

Tuition: $51,790

Room and board: $13,690

31. 瓦薩學院 Vassar College

Location: Poughkeepsie, New York

Total cost: $65,490

Tuition: $53,090

Room and board: $12,400

30. 西方學院 Occidental College

Location: Los Angeles, California

Total cost: $65,530

Tuition: $51,070

Room and board: $14,460

29. 卡內基梅隆大學 Carnegie Mellon University

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Total cost: $65,580

Tuition: $52,310

Room and board: $13,270

28. 富蘭克林與馬歇爾學院 Franklin & Marshall College

Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Total cost: $65,610

Tuition: $52,490

Room and board: $13,120

27. 杜克大學 Duke University

Location: Durham, North Carolina

Total cost: $65,703

Tuition: $51,265

Room and board: $14,438

26. 富蘭克林奧林工程學院 Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Location: Needham, Massachusetts

Total cost: $65,786

Tuition: $49,986

Room and board: $15,800

25. 約翰霍普金斯大學 Johns Hopkins University

Location: Baltimore, Maryland

Total cost: $65,886

Tuition: $50,910

Room and board: $14,976

24. 福特漢姆大學 Fordham University

Location: Bronx, New York

Total cost: $65,918

Tuition: $49,073

Room and board: $16,845

23. 布蘭迪斯大學 Brandeis University

Location: Waltham, Massachusetts

Total cost: $65,928

Tuition: $51,548

Room and board: $14,380

22. 巴納德學院 Barnard College

Location: New York City, New York

Total cost: $65,992

Tuition: $50,394

Room and board: $15,598

21. 塔夫茨大學 Tufts University

Location: Medford, Massachusetts

Total cost: $65,992

Tuition: $52,430

Room and board: $13,566

20. 賓夕法尼亞大學 University of Pennsylvania

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Total cost: $66,000

Tuition: $51,464

Room and board: $14,536

19. 歐柏林大學 Oberlin College

Location: Oberlin, Ohio

Total cost: $66,012

Tuition: $52,002

Room and board: $14,010

18. 喬治城大學 Georgetown University

Location: Washington, DC

Total cost: $66,119

Tuition: $50,547

Room and board: $15,572

17. 巴德學院 Bard College

Location: Annandale-On-Hudson, New York

Total cost: $66,154

Tuition: $51,614

Room and board: $14,540

16. 阿默斯特學院 Amherst College

Location: Amherst, Massachusetts

Total cost: $66,186

Tuition: $52,476

Room and board: $13,710

15. 培澤學院 Pitzer College

Location: Claremont, California

Total cost: $66,192

Tuition: $50,430

Room and board: $15,762

14. 西北大學 Northwestern University

Location: Evanston, Illinois

Total cost: $66,344

Tuition: $50,855

Room and board: $15,489

13. 三一學院 Trinity College

Location: Hartford, Connecticut

Total cost: $66,440

Tuition: $52,760

Room and board: $13,680

12. 巴德學院Simon s Rock分校 Bard College at Simon s Rock

Location: Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Total cost: $66,445

Tuition: $52,385

Room and board: $14,060

11. 南衛理工會大學 Southern Methodist University

Location: Dallas, Texas

Total cost: $66,483

Tuition: $50,358

Room and board: $16,125

10. 哈弗福德學院 Haverford College

Location: Haverford, Pennsylvania

Total cost: $66,490

Tuition: $51,024

Room and board: $15,466

9. 達特茅斯學院 Dartmouth College

Location: Hanover, New Hampshire

Total cost: $66,579

Tuition: $51,438

Room and board: $15,141

8. 南加州大學 University of Southern California

Location: Los Angeles, California

Total cost: $66,631

Tuition: $52,283

Room and board: $14,348

7. 紐約大學 New York University

Location: New York City, New York

Total cost: $66,640

Tuition: $49,062

Room and board: $17,578

6. 斯克利普斯學院 Scripps College

Location: Claremont, California

Total cost: $66,664

Tuition: $50,982

Room and board: $15,682

5. 克萊蒙特·麥肯納學院 Claremont McKenna College

Location: Claremont, California

Total cost: $66,685

Tuition: $52,945

Room and board: $15,740

4. 莎拉勞倫斯學院 Sarah Lawrence College

Location: Bronxville, New York

Total cost: $66,990

Tuition: $52,550

Room and board: $14,440

3. 芝加哥大學 University of Chicago

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Total cost: $67,584

Tuition: $52,491

Room and board: $15,093

2. 哥倫比亞大學 Columbia University

Location: New York City, New York

Total cost: $68,405

Tuition: $55,161

Room and board: $13,244

1. 哈維穆德學院 Harvey Mudd College

Location: Claremont, California

Total cost: $69,717

Tuition: $52,666

Room and board: $17,051






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