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美白補水面膜排行榜 英國時尚雜誌強力推薦


1 new Lancome intelligent white mask Ningrun pleasure

This mask is a step in Lancome's three step, although the main whitening, but still has excellent moisturizing effect. It adopts bionic texture transparent jelly, and fit into great degree, contains abundant nourishing formula. Apply to the face you will feel the skin moisture absorption of nutrients in the big thick collagen, whitening essence and colloid deep into the skin, just 15 minutes, the skin becomes more white, and QQ is very flexible, and the mask will become thin sheets of bo. This mask touch is also very cool down, water against the facial pigmentation two not mistake, the skin from the inside out naturally glowing.

1 蘭蔻新智能愉悅臻白凝潤面膜


2 announce snail facial mask

The Xuan Huan Yan mask to whitening effect is my most used utility is best to use a mask, it comes from the China Henan the Yellow River basin, here are the most outstanding global snail breeding base, natural snail dope and repair the skin, whitening moisturizing, can now natural breeding places little snail, first of all by the sea where the wind will not work, so Ian, South Korea and Thailand and other countries imported brands snail dope Henan, insiders know that the natural right to buy Henan snail dope.

2 宣致蝸牛面膜


3 fresh peony Whitening Night Repair Mask

Fresh's peony mask series is really great! It contains peony and licorice root extract, can prevent and dilute all kinds of stains, and make light dark heavy skin, really can see the skin a little bit become white and transparent! The most important thing is to absorb super fast, there is no sense of sticky.

3 fresh牡丹煥白夜間修復面膜


4 Olay OLAY water transparent white plastic mask

As we all know, OLAY's white bottle essence is very good. His family's whitening mask is as easy to use as it is. One piece of cutting can be stretched to the position that suits your face at will. Fitness is high, and then hand out the mask inside bubbles to mask the process, with the face to absorb whitening essence while tightening the pressure massage mask is really too special. The disadvantage is that there is no silk mask that thin silk, 24G essence of a little less.

4 Olay玉蘭油水感透白光塑彈力面膜


5 snow Essence Whitening Mask

Sekkisei whitening effect how strong do not need to say more, this mask contains ten kinds of Kampo Adlay and Angelica pure plant extract, can diminish pigmentation, whitening is safe Oh ~ massage and attaining the one minute, the whole people shine a white. But there are also a lot of homework on the Internet, there are sister paper has said snow muscle essence is too exciting, sensitive muscle with caution.

5 雪肌精美白面膜


6 Dior Dior water active nourishing mask

The mask's texture is very unique, painted on the face, a little massage, you can from the curd into a moisturizing, moisturizing, oily texture. As an emulsion mask, the texture is very thin, there will be no heavy feeling. Although when massaging, feeling a little oil, as long as clean it, you will find not only is not greasy, and the skin is smooth, good absorption effect, skin moist degree and brightness are greatly improved. Special recommendations on the use of this mask, with gentle massage, can greatly enhance the absorption effect of the mask, while the face made a great moisturizing SPA relax.

6 Dior 迪奧水動力瑩潤滋養面膜


7 Lancome Essence Mask

Lancome black bottle bottom muscle essence mask belong to mask series, very fit the face, full of black bottle essence to nourish the face, absorb quickly, has a strong moisturizing effect, really deep water, make the skin become moist and full of Lancome essence muscle bottom mask is also has anti oxygen effect, can improve the skin condition some of the skin, repair skin is bright, compact, fully deserve the first mask list.

7 蘭蔻精華肌底面膜


8 La Mer moisturizing facial mask

In the mask list second La Mer moisturizing mask is equally addictive, this mask thick texture, the essence is very rich, is easy to be absorbed, moisturizing effect is very good, after using the skin become moist and full, and can repair anti-aging effect, make skin become luster health.

8 海藍之謎保濕修護面膜


9 Helena prodigy mask

Helena as a luxury beauty brand, the mask list we can see her figure, the prodigy mask can make the skin immediately feel moist, firm and smooth effect, the essence is enough, but just paste the face will have a slight tingling.

9 赫蓮娜極致之美菁華面膜


10 SK-II skin care mask

SK-II skin care mask is also known as the ex mask, it can make the skin condition can be improved rapidly, especially moisture, can contact pores, make the skin becomes smooth and delicate, but the essence is thick, easy residual condensate caused by rubbing mud.

10 SK-II護膚面膜





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英國時尚雜誌發布 美白祛斑護膚品排行榜前十名

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