首頁 > 娛樂 > 《戰狼2》火到國外搶外媒頭條,然而BBC的這個影評太酸溜溜了吧











美國權威影視雜誌《綜藝》(Variety) 就表示,《戰狼2》(Wolf Warrior 2) 的票房簡直轟動全球啊!




在北美知名影評網站爛番茄 (Rotten Tomatoes) 上,有91%的觀眾為這部電影點贊!









Went to watch the movie yesterday as I heard it was a big hit in China. I am not the biggest fan of Chinese movies, but this one really impressed me. I have watched Wolf Warrior which I would consider as a good movie, but II is way much better. It is the first Chinese movie that is built on the context of African country and actually shot in South Africa, bearing the risk of suffering the disturbance on the set. The way the plot unfolds and the courage and patriotism is delivered to its audience makes it more than a simple action movie. Love this movie and will go for it a second time.





The film"s biggest draw, of course, is Chinese action-superstar Wu Jing. As a leading man, Wu Jing is kind of a perfect package. He has the pretty-boy looks to draw the female crowd but also a natural, convincing tough-guy persona. As a trained martial artist he has the physicality of Donnie Yen and the on screen charisma of Jet Li. Most importantly, Jing plays the kind of action hero that"s just all too rare these days, the one that takes just as much punishment as he dishes it. Yet he sells it with the kind of world-class commitment that is simply awe-inspiring, like Jackie Chan or Tom Cruise who repeatedly endanger themselves simply to entertain their audience. It"s all rather impressive until you realize he also directed the movie.






Been waiting for a real action film for a while.


I was impressed. Its" very rare that a sequel surpasses the original, but Wolf Warriors 2 does exactly that.


The action was just non stop. I felt like I was watching numerous set pieces one after another. It was incredibly ambitious and it definitely paid off.





I was pleasantly surprised by China"s respectful portrayal of Africans. A diverse cast was used and judging from box office results, the Chinese are quite tolerant of diversity. That is something I can"t say about my western country, which also loudly lectures China on its supposed "xenophobia".



Wu Jing headlines the film. He cut his teeth in numerous kung fu flicks. He"s right up there with Jet Li and Donnie Yen. He"s rugged, charismatic, insanely skilled, and has the tough guy look down.



Astonishingly, he also directed this film. I read somewhere that he even mortgaged his home to make this film. Gotta respect that commitment! There are some some minor things that would have benefited from more polish, but they"re minor. The small flaws here and there don"t detract from an overall great experience.



It"ll be interesting to see where Wu Jing takes the franchise from here, but it"s definitely in good hands.



美國娛樂界知名報刊《好萊塢報道》(The Hollywood Reporter)就貢獻了一發影評:



Wu Jing again stakes his claim as the natural heir to Jackie Chan with the sequel to his 2015 action movie that was a hit in his native China. Starring, directed and co-written by Jing, Wolf Warrior 2 is even bigger and bolder than its predecessor, which doesn』t always work in its favor. But genre fans will definitely relish the near-constant barrage of elaborate set pieces that are choreographed and filmed for maximum impact.




The breathless pacing thankfully doesn』t allow much time for viewers to ponder the plot holes or worry about character development, although the two-hour running time (more than 30 minutes longer than the original pic) results in overkill fatigue. As with Jackie Chan』s efforts, the outtakes during the end credits indicate that the film must have been a lot of fun to make, at least when the performers weren』t getting hurt. And in case fans were worried, a post-credits sequence sets up the inevitable sequel, which, they won』t be surprised to learn, will be entitled Wolf Warrior 3.


「反學院派」電影網站 (Film School Rejects)則表示,吳京和弗蘭克·格里羅的對決簡直不能更精彩呀!



「《戰狼2》影評:吳京vs. 弗蘭克·格里羅,有誰會不愛呢?」

We open strong with a tanker under siege by pirates, and as they disable the ship』s propellers Leng Feng simply dives into the ocean, capsizes a pirate skiff, and proceeds to beat up its occupants underwater without coming up once for air.



It』s no spoiler to say that Wu and Grillo eventually meet man to man, but the surprise comes in how much better the fight is than the one between Wu and Adkins was. This is a brutal, well-choreographed brawl that ends the film on a high note.









That is the tagline for Wolf Warriors 2, the Chinese box office hit that is equal parts testosterone-fuelled machismo - think blazing guns, explosions, and tanks - and chest-thumping Chinese patriotism.

這是燃爆荷爾蒙的中國票房熱門大片《戰狼2》的口號 —— 令人想起了激烈的槍戰、爆炸、坦克以及虛張聲勢的中式愛國主義。




於是,BBC的這篇報道立刻就引來了《環球時報》(Global Times) 的回懟↓↓↓



The Chinese film, Wolf Warriors II, which grossed over 2.5 billion yuan ($372 million) in less than 10 days, has become a phenomenon. In the film, a Chinese soldier ventures alone into a war zone in Africa to save his trapped compatriots. It inspired its audience enormously, so much so that many viewers said on social media that they would want to join the army.


However, not all who saw the Hollywood-style movie enjoyed it. While US superheroes who save the planet from time to time are taken for granted, the Chinese action film caught the BBC"s attention, calling it a "nationalist action film." Furthermore, the BBC highlighted a tagline of the blockbuster and translated it this way: "Anyone who offends China will be killed no matter how far the target is."


How bad-tempered China appears to be in this sentence. It seems that anyone who deals with China can never be too cautious because they would be killed. China is made to look like an irritable and brutal killer.


However, the original Chinese words actually mean that anyone who attacks China will be punished, however far the target is. The misinterpretation of one word draws a totally different picture of China and Chinese people.










【福利】各年級報紙最新合訂本上架啦!戳這裡進入商城開搶啦~「悅」讀暑假,開學秒變小學霸!爆款隨時可能斷貨,戳這裡購買~ 還有「21世紀杯」演講比賽精英選手高清演講光碟最新上架,戳這裡get英語演講最佳範本啦~



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