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Pau Gasol becomes the Eurobasket all time leading scorer.


He needed to score just 14 points against Hungary and he did it in the second quarter of the game.

He moves past his teammate Tony Parker, who scored 1.104 points.


[–]Anti_Thon 973 指標 14 小時前

At least one thread questioning Pau Gasol"s HOF status will arise within the next hour.


[–]Raptors BandwagonTreChomes 477 指標 14小時前

He"s a lock.


[–]RaptorsZincHead 362 指標 13小時前

For real. He might be a hall of famer just based on his NBA career alone, but throw in being one of the best international players ever and he"s a sure fire hall of famer.


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 186 指標 12小時前*

I can"t see how Gasol isn"t going into HOF when his resume is on par if not better than others who have got in. 2 rings. 6 All-stars. Rookie of the year. Long time Grizz and Laker. Accomplished outside the NBA in the Spanish league, Euro league, and the Olympics. 1 Fiba basketball world cup gold. 2 silvers in the olympics losing only to stacked-ass team USA in 2008 and 2012.

Some people complained about Yao getting into the HOF despite his resume not looking like Jordan"s, but I can see why the HOF committee would put Yao in just because he"s one of the first big international players, opened the NBA to China, contributed to expanding basketball in China even after his retirement, and is basically Chinese/Asian Jordan (unless you believe it"s Jeremy Lin).

Gasol should also get that "Yao factor" weighed on his resume when the consider him for HOF (not saying that Gasol needs it though. He"s basically Spanish Jordan). Dirk will also get that benefit (again, not saying German Jordan needs it) as one of the first German players and also one of the few foreign players to be the alpha/leader/bestplayer on a championship team.




[–]Lakers Bandwagonvictor396 76 指標 12小時前

6 All-stars

And had he been on the east or maybe even a more marketable franchise he might have had a couple more(you could say this about a lot of players, that"s fair, but he was the first face of Memphis in a pace of 88 pos per game. That"s rough)



[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 47 指標 12小時前*

Gasol in HoF was never a real question for me after the 2nd ring. The thing I"ve been wondering about is if the Lakers will retire Gasol"s jersey for being the 2nd best player who won 2 rings for them.

Some other franchises would retire Gasol"s jersey based the 2 rings as Robin. I can"t say for sure the Lakers will since the last 4 inductees are multiple ring legends Shaq/Magic/Wilkes/Kareem. Kobe will be hanging up there. So in that sense, Gasol has the bar is set very very high by his more recent Laker peers. Shaq/Kobe/Kareem/Magic are GOAT-conversation level guys. Even Wilkes who had 4 rings (3 for the purple and gold as part of the showtime Lakers) didn"t get his jersey retirement until 20 years after Magic"s was retired.



[–]Lakers Bandwagonvictor396 45 指標 11小時前*

Lakers are very restrictive when it comes to retiring jerseys and i always have agreed with that... but that"s because there seems to be a frontier you have to pass for you to even be in the question: the HOF( and maybe a ring with the team). If you"re not a HOF we aren"t even discussing it( still hoping Cooper makes it one day)

I do think that once Gasol is a HOF the lakers will retire the jersey. He was an MVP of the month of february even though he played in Kobe"s am and system.


[–]LakersYamanekoBlues 117 指標 14小時前

A human being that we can all aspire to be like. What a guy. Congrats Pau.


[–]ThunderLeMeloBall 73 指標 14小時前

[–]Trust The ProcessGolfninja 25 指標 9小時前

The Kobe + Pau friendship is my favorite thing ever.


[–]SpainCastorHouse 94 指標 15小時前

So incredibly happy that our most successful basketball player ever is also such a great person. Proud of him!


[–]SpursTheMonstersThrowaway 53 指標 13小時前

Spurs legend Pau Gasol


[–]Lakers Bandwagonvictor396 184 指標 15小時前*

No matter what people say, he"s the best FIBA player of all time. Either that or he"s an euroleague away of it.


[–]Spurspolezo 20 指標 13小時前*

but Olympic Gold Medals Ernah. That"s why Manu is the best FIBA player of all time.

In seriousness I agree with you. Manu"s had a great FIBA career too obv, but Pau"s numbers are better over more tournaments, and even though Pau never got gold in the Olympics he still has a World Championship under his belt in 2006.

Honestly amazing Pau"s had such a long NBA career too, given how often he"s played for Spain in tournaments. Basically 13 extra mini-seasons in the NBA off-season. And he also played in a bunch of Junior-FIBA tournies too.

*edit Arvydas Sabonis also probably deserves to at least be in the conversation here. I don"t put him over Pau, but his FIBA performances and made it clear he had high NBA level talent long before he actually joined the league. He was even arguably the best player on the "88 Gold Medal Soviet team despite playing injured (he wasn"t scoring leader, but was the fulcrum of the defense and dominated the boards with a limp), and was clearly the best player on the 1992 Lithuanian Bronze-winning team, among others he was on. Wish we could have seen more of him in his prime. Stupid cold war.




p.s. 阿維達斯-薩博尼斯可能也起碼值得列入到這一討論中啊。我並沒有把他排在加索爾之前,但是,遠在真正登陸NBA前,他在FIBA賽事中的表現已經清楚說明了他具有NBA級別的高水平天賦。儘管帶傷出戰,但他可能還是那支拿下1988年奧運會金牌的蘇聯隊中最好的球員(他不是隊中得分王,但卻是防守大閘,帶著一瘸一拐的雙腿守衛籃筐),還很明顯是1992年奧運會季軍立陶宛隊中的王牌,他在他所處的隊伍中一直有所發揮。要是我們能看到更多他巔峰時期的表現該多好啊。愚蠢的冷戰啊。



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