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優客工場回應遭 WeWork 起訴事件:我們沒有商標侵權

優客工場回應遭 WeWork 起訴事件:我們沒有商標侵權

9 月 13 日,眾創空間服務 WeWork 在美國對中國公司優客工場提起訴訟,稱該公司侵犯其商標權。今日稍晚些時候,優客工場做出回應,聲明優客工場 URwork 商標並不存在任何對 wework 商標的侵權行為和事實。


日前,我們關注到,有媒體報道,美國共享辦公企業 wework 在英國對本公司擁有、使用的優客工場 URwork 商標提出異議。對此,我司高度重視,並立即與相關業務部門就各項商標註冊流程、進度及法律文件等進行逐一核查。我司經核查後認為,優客工場 URwork 商標並不存在任何對 wework 商標的侵權行為和事實。



二、優客工場 URwork,所闡釋的是一種對於聯合辦公的理解,其對應的業務是共享辦公,及其圍繞共享辦公構建的服務體系。URwork 的核心在於「UR」,work 則是開放性的公眾辭彙,意為「工作」等。任何機構、企業或個人,均不享有對 work 或工作這一公眾概念、名稱的獨佔權,遑論以此為名發起專利戰。任何公司包括 wework 公司在內,指認我司商標侵權的判斷,既無任何法律依據,也與通識相違背。

三、優客工場 URwork 應中國「創新創業」而生,是共享經濟的知名代表。短短兩年多,優客工場 URwork 迅速成為共享辦公領域的知名商標和品牌,在廣大創新創業者、投資機構、媒體行業等中間都樹立了良好的品牌形象,形成了完全獨立的認知識別體系,其估值也體現了市場的真實認可。並受到所有拓展區域政府部門的歡迎。我司無意也沒有必要通過侵犯 wework 商標的方式獲取利益。但與此同時,我司也不願意看到其他機構、企業和個人,假借優客工場 URwork 業已呈現的影響力,尋求實現其商業目的。



2017 年 9 月 13 日


With regards to the recent media coverage on US co-working space provider WeWork』s dispute against URwork for using our own registered trademark and brand name 優客工場 URwork in the UK and the US, we attach great importance and have set into immediate investigation with juridical department on the legal registration procedure, pertinent registration process and legal documents of the 優客工場 URwork trademark. Through thorough investigation, there is no legal proof for URwork』s infringement on WeWork』s trademark

Pertinent to the matter, we would like to make the following comments:

  1. URwork (Beijing) Venture Investment Co Ltd has been deploying the brand and the legal trademark of name 優客工場 URwork for over two years. As legal proprietor of the 優客工場 URwork trade mark, we are fully entitled to the rights endowed by the law, and will take all due measures to defend our legal rights of intellectual property.
  1. 優客工場 or URwork is an interpretation of co-working concept, with shared office facilities and professional service products at the center. Central to the trade mark is the 「UR」, while 「work」 is a common English word, ubiquitously seen in many commercial contexts. No institutions, enterprises or individuals hold proprietary right to the usage of the word, let alone regarding it as their own intellectual property. URwork trademark has distinguishingly different design than the WeWork trademark. There is no legal proof, or common sense for any claims from WeWork that URwork infringes upon its trademark.
  1. Over the course of two years, URwork has built a strong image and reputation amongst international start-ups, entrepreneurs and investors, as well as established our proprietary brand visual identity system. Its market valuation has also reflected the genuine recognition of the brand. As such, 優客工場 URwork has been well received by government officials in our expanding territories. 優客工場 URwork as a legal trademark and as a business have been widely acknowledged by the government and the society and has achieved a healthy commercial growth through effective operation. It』s never our intention to profit through infringing on other competitor』s trademark or intellectual property, nor do we want others to profit through infringing upon our intellectual property right.
  1. URwork will continue to support its community members with a broad range of services and is committed to building a healthy co-working eco-system with entrepreneurship and sharing economy at the heart.
  1. Albeit China』s sharing economy is at its infancy, it has shown tremendous popularity and growth potential. URwork will focus on its international expansion and vertical integration strategy through upholding the values of collaboration, sustainability and innovation and respecting the commercial principles in the international markets. URwork will continue to actively build a healthy eco-system centred around co-working sector. In the meanwhile, we are open to the strict supervision from our global peers and media friends to collectively promote the healthy development and service upgrading of the co-working industry.

URwork (Beijing) Venture Investment Co Ltd

September 13, 2017

本文 優客工場回應遭 WeWork 起訴事件:我們沒有商標侵權來自動點科技.



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