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Forget going to the gym or signing up for yoga, new research suggests you can stay in shape by simply doing the housework.不用去健身房或者報瑜伽班啦,新的研究表明,你可以通過做家務保持體形。

A study by the Good Housekeeping Institute (GHI) found that dusting, mopping and cleaning the bathroom are all effective ways to burn calories without leaving the house.好管家研究所(GHI)的一項研究發現,足不出戶就能燃燒脂肪的最有效方法是除塵、拖地、清潔浴室。

Results showed that people burned an average of 600 calories doing just two hours of intense household chores - nearly double the 374 calories burned during a 5km run - with window cleaning topping the list as the most taxing task.研究結果表明,集中做兩小時家務平均消耗600卡路里熱量,而跑5公里才消耗374卡路里,前者消耗的熱量幾乎是後者的一倍,而擦玻璃被列為最費力的家務活。

Researchers from the GHI fitted participants with FitBit Flex 2 fitness trackers, which measured the amount of energy expended as they carried out common chores.好管家的研究人員在測試者身上安裝了FitBit Flex 2健身追蹤器,測量他們在進行普通家務勞動時消耗的能量。

They then calculated the average number of calories burned during a 20 or 40-minute session to determine the most demanding work out.隨後,研究人員算出從事20或40分鐘家務勞動所燃燒的卡路里平均值,從而確定最費力的勞動是哪一項。

Window cleaning topped the list, with participants burning an average of 115 calories in just 20 minutes.擦窗戶位居第一,測試者擦20分鐘窗戶平均燃燒115卡路里。

Mopping the floor came in second place with 107 calories burned while cleaning the bathroom burned 100 calories - the equivalent to two KitKat fingers.拖地排在第二名,20分鐘平均消耗107卡路里,而清潔浴室20分鐘,消耗100卡路里,相當於兩條奇巧巧克力所含熱量。

Meanwhile a 40-minute dusting session burned nearly 200 calories.此外,除塵40分鐘消耗近200卡路里。

While vacuuming came at the bottom of the list, participants still burned an average of 86 calories in just 20 minutes.用吸塵器打掃是最不費力的,但測試者在20分鐘內仍然平均燃燒掉86卡路里。

The results show that there can be hidden benefits to giving the house an "autumn clean" as the cooler weather starts to set in, according to the GHI.好管家稱,這項結果表明,天氣即將轉涼之際,在家裡做一次「秋季大掃除」還有不為人知的好處。

GHI cleaning expert Verity Mann said: "Unfortunately, there are some labor-intensive chores that need to be done but the good news is that you will be getting fit while you"re doing them."「雖然,有些家務需要你花一番力氣,但是好消息是,與此同時你也健身了」,好管家清潔專家維里蒂曼恩說道。




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