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英國航空公司成為「Best of British英倫精選」冠名合作夥伴

中國上海,全新英倫生活方式展——英倫精選將於2017年10月19至22日在上海展覽中心舉行,並宣布英國航空公司成為其冠名合作夥伴,共同促進中英兩國間的文化與經濟交流。本次展會將為參觀者們帶來包括珍饈美酒、時尚、設計與文化在內的英倫特色商品與服務。英倫精選展也獲得了英國the GREAT Campaign、英國駐上海總領事館和英國國際貿易部的大力支持。

hanghai, China, 9 August 2017 - Best of British, a brand-new exhibition celebrating the British lifestyle at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre from 19-22 October 2017, has announced British Airways as its Headline Partner. Best of British and British Airways will join hands to promote cultural and economic exchange between China and the United Kingdom. The Best of British exhibition will spotlight the very best of British consumables including food, drink, fashion, design and culture. Best of British is also backed by the GREAT Campaign, the British Consulate General Shanghai, and the Department for International Trade.

「英倫精選展為中國消費者帶來了一系列英國引以為傲的商品及服務。」英國航空公司大中華區執行總譚睿德(Richard Tams)表示。「我們很榮幸能和這些英國知名品牌合作,同時也期待中國消費者在未來能夠乘坐英國航空遊覽英國,在英國本土感受這些品牌。」

「The Best of British Show provides a dazzling array of what the UK has to offer to Chinese visitors,」 said Richard Tams, British Airways』 Executive Vice President for China. 「We feel privileged to be associated with this galaxy of renowned UK brands and we would like to also invite visitors to travel with British Airways to the UK to experience these famous brands on their home ground.」

展會將在有著悠久歷史的上海展覽中心舉行,為期四天,屆時將有超過50,000名高端消費者和5,000餘名來自中國各地的貿易夥伴參與。本次展會展品種類繁多,包括家裝傢具、珍饈美酒、教育與生活方式、時裝與鞋履、旅行觀光以及創新科技等領域的品牌。與此同時,展會現場將設有一系列時尚有趣的活動,包括The Plough at CadsdenPub (The Plough at Cadsden鄉村酒吧), the Quintessential Catwalk (時尚T台), Bespoke Britain Private Members Club (經典英式私人俱樂部), Taste of Britain(食在英倫), The Village Green (鄉村綠地)以及The Cream Tea Pavilion(英式下午茶室)。目前,知名英國品牌勞斯萊斯、Mini、托邁酷客(Thomas Cook)等已確認將會參與本次展會。

Staged over four days in the historic Shanghai Exhibition Centre, the show will reach over 50,000 high-end consumers and more than 5,000 key trade contacts from across China. The event will feature a number of sections, including Home & Interior, Food & Drink, Education & Lifestyle, Fashion & Style, Travel & Tourism, and Innovation & Technology Best of British will also feature a series of cool, contemporary, and inspirational on-site activities, including The Plough at Cadsden Pub, the Quintessential Catwalk, Bespoke Britain Private Members Club, Taste of Britain, the Village Green, and the Cream Tea Pavilion. Iconic British brands, including Rolls Royce, Mini, and Thomas Cook, among others, have confirmed their attendance.


At the exhibition, British Airways will launch a British Airways Museum in the centre of Best of British』s Village Green. Through a series of framed photos, the Museum will take visitors through the rich history of British Airways』 heritage and culture. Stewardesses from the airline will also be present during the four day-long Best of British exhibition, welcoming visitors to experience British Airways』 signature hospitality and service.

英國航空的全球航班網路覆蓋200多個目的地,2016年為近4450萬名乘客提供了服務,英國航空已開通中國至倫敦的直達航線,目前每日都有航班由北京直飛倫敦,同時每周有10個航班從上海直飛倫敦。倫敦希斯羅機場的第5航站樓專門面向英國航空和西班牙伊比利亞航空公司的旅客。為了更好地滿足中國旅客的需求,英國航空公司還不斷改進機上餐飲服務,致力於為他們提供更多的中西式美食體驗。同時,其也推出了深受乘客喜愛的機上讀物《High Life雲尚》的中文版,並在上海及北京兩地開設全新的空乘基地,招募培訓中國籍空乘,為中國旅客提供定製化服務。

British Airways, the largest airline in the United Kingdom, serves over 200 destinations worldwide and in 2016 carried almost 44.5 million passengers, now offering direct routes from China to London, with daily flights from Beijing and ten flights a week from Shanghai. The airline operates from the state-of-the-art London Heathrow Terminal 5 exclusive to the customers of British Airways and Iberia Airlines. To better meet the demands of Chinese travellers, British Airways has improved catering for both Western and Chinese options, introduced High Life China, a Chinese-language inflight magazine, and opened two new cabin crew bases in Beijing and Shanghai to recruit and train Chinese cabin crew so we can offer bespoke service for Chinese customers.


「We are honoured to partner with British Airways as we introduce Best of British to China this year. With unparalleled, in-depth understanding of the British and Chinese markets, both Best of British and British Airways are committed to building bridges between China and the United Kingdom. This October, the Best of British show will attract over 5,000 key buyers and more than 50,000 consumers, satisfying Chinese demand for premium British brands, while enabling top British brands to tap into the world』s largest consumer market for international goods.」





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