首頁 > 最新 > 佛子行三十七頌第一講——竹·確吉恭波開示



Precious human life with the 18 qualities is extremely rare, rarer than seeing stars in the daytime. It requires so much merits and causes and conditions to obtain such rare human existence. It is much much more precious and important than the lives of god. The beings in the god realm are not able to receive Bodhicitta vows and are not able to practice Dharma. Whereas, this life of human can obtain Bodhicitta vows and can practice Dharma. It offers us a very rare opportunity to cross the ocean of samsara. So, we must not let this precious human life passes in vain, but make best use of it to put an end to all the samsaric sufferings.



In order to do that, what we must do is, first hearing, then analyzing, and then meditation. With hearing properly from the master, we must understand what should and should not be done. Then after in depth studying or reflection, we endeavor to abandon the afflictive emotions. Lastly, with meditation, we can actually clean, not just control or suppress, but eliminate a certain degree of our emotions. The point to remember here is ~ This human life is way too precious, let s study. reflect and meditate.


Second verses.

The places, wherever it may be, here it referred to hometown or homelands, that distracted us from the Dharma, we have to avoid or abandon it. In where we live, our attachment toward friends and relative will increase. Because of that, our hatred toward those who harm or agitate our loved ones naturally soared. At the end, we are caught up in so much like and dislike, hope and fear. We lost our path. We lost our directions. We become indifferent towards right and wrong. It is like being totally trapped in darkness of ignorance.



Get rid of those places where it gives rise to lots of attachments and aversions, likes and dislikes, hopes and fears … We must stay away from that kind of places, in order to maintain peace in our heart and that our mind can mingle with the Dharma ceaselessly.




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