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原來印度的酒吧這麼炫!A Dazzling Bar in India

設計 / Design:Ar Bardrinath Kaleru

圖片 /Photography Credits:Purnesh Dev Nikhanj

Fluid Bar是一家位於印度的酒吧,地理位置鄰近昌迪加爾的高速公路,居於一家精品酒店的頂樓。設計師Ar Bardrinath Kaleru以當代設計手法結合有機的功能性體驗,利用原創藝術裝置與炫麗的燈光效果打造了一個如夢似幻的休閑空間。

Designed as an amalgamation of contemporary and organic features, Fluid Bar Lounge is located on the terrace of an existing boutique hotel on the main highway leading to the city of Chandigarh.


The entrance to the lounge and bar is characterized by an installation of a collection of custom made FRP panels. Two hexagonal modules are fused together (used singularly in the interiors) and are positioned at strategic points at the entrance, setting a theme for the interiors, while inviting the visitor inside.


Fluid is designed with a partially retractable roof. The ceiling acts as a distinguishing element, enlivening the small space. Its organic design adds depth to the bar, while giving the impression of a larger area. Made using 157 hexagonal polyhedron FRP (Fiber- Reinforced Plastic) panels, the ceiling provides a unifying element, binding the whole space together cohesively. Two sides of the customized FRP panels are hand painted as turquoise mirrors, acting as reflecting surfaces for colour changing LEDs. A new visual language is created by transforming hues of the LEDs controlled as per the time and space demands, creating an intimate yet exhilarating environment.


The modules are designed in such a way that they appear to fluidly morph into a different shape as the viewer move from one point to another, providing a dynamic special dimension to the interiors. A combination of the custom panels and the lights reflects the dynamism of the main highway with traffic, like blood, pulsating through the city.


The bar counter is designed in white onyx, emitting translucent light, changing colours to complement the general theme and tone of the ambiance. Zigzag shelves act as the bar back, providing a defined background to the bar. Personifying waves, the strong features of the bar back are softened by light washing between them.

與天花的誇張設計不同,酒吧的牆面選用了低調的灰色,並且用鏡面製作成線,進行了幾何切割。Fluid Bar不僅僅是一個充滿時代質感的酒吧,更是一次對美學的探索與嘗試。

To counter the ceiling and bar elements, the walls are deliberately kept subdued. Grey in colour, they are subtly engraved in geometric patterns and overlaid with some geometrically shaped mirrors. Overall, the design for Fluid Bar and Lounge is a study in contrasts, setting a precedent in contemporary bar design.






項目名稱:Fluid Bar Exchange

設計公司:Studio Ardete

主案設計:Ar Bardrinath Kaleru

設計團隊:Ar Anusha Sharma , Ar Mehak Gupta

項目攝影:Purnesh Dev Nikhanj





Name of the project:Fluid Bar Exchange.

Design Studio:Studio Ardete

Lead Architect:Ar Bardrinath Kaleru

Design Team:Ar Prerna Kaleru, Ar Anusha Sharma , Ar Mehak Gupta

Photographer:Purnesh Dev Nikhanj

Date of Design:1st April 2016.

Date of completion:15th December 2016.

Built Up Area:155 SQM

Project Location – The Altius, Industrial Area Phase – 2 , Chandigarh

Badrinath Kaleru

設計總監Design Director

Studio Ardete

工作室由建築師、室內設計師和藝術家組成,他們都致力於為客戶提供最佳的空間解決方案,在具備功能、美學和經濟實用性的前提下,依據客戶的需求與品味進行設計創作。公司總監Badrinath Kaleru畢業於IIT Roorkee,並在印度的COA(建築師協會)取得了註冊建築師的資格。他的作品涉及領域非常廣泛,從建築到可持續發展,從能源建模到平面設計,並保持與世界各國的建築組織進行著良好的合作。

The Studio Ardete Pvt. Ltd. Team consists of Architects, Interior Designers and Artists, all dedicated to produce the best solution for the clients in terms of functionality, aesthetics and economy within the provided timelines and as per the requirements and tastes of the clients.

DIRECTOR Badrinath Kaleru did his Bachelors in Architecture from IIT Roorkee and is registered architect with COA (Council of Architects),India.

His work experience ranges from architecture to sustainable living with energy modeling to graphic designing. Having done projects in Europe and Asia, they earlier worked with Wilmotte et Associes SA d Architecture, Paris, FRANCE Endo Shuhei Architect Institute, Osaka, JAPAN Dominique Perrault Architecte, Paris, FRANCE Mario Cucinella Architects (MCA), Bologna, ITALY and Jones Lang Lasalle, INDIA.



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