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Lowe: Remember Kevin Love? LeBron and the Cavs need him more than ever

名記Zach Lowe:還記得凱文-樂福嗎?(現在歐文走了)勒布朗和騎士隊從未如此需要他。

[–]NBAbleu2 634 指標 13小時前

I miss the old Kevin Love


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 588 指標 13小時前

The 26/13 Kevin Love


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 469 指標 13小時前

The catching dimes from Ricky Rubio Kevin Love


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 347 指標 13小時前

I hate the new Kevin Love


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 396 指標 13小時前

The ride LeBron don"t care Kevin Love


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 362 指標 13小時前

The pretty hair, nice looking Kevin Love


[譯註1]以上的五條評論都來自一位森林狼球迷,出自Kanye West的歌曲《I love Kanye》

[–]HornetsYizWasHere 551 指標 12小時前

When you don"t trust r/NBA so you do your own lyric chain.


[–]knspek1 275 指標 10小時前

If you didn"t point it out, i never would"ve realized it was only 1 guy.


[–]KnickerBockersCoreFour1996 274 指標 10小時前

The flair gave him away for me. I knew that there was no way the Timberwolves had 5 different fans.


[–]shanmustafa 80 指標 16小時前

He"ll be that again if he gains 20-30 pounds


[–][TOR] Chris BoshPormanNowell 65 指標 16小時前

The Charles Barkley diet


[–]KnicksMelkor_The_Morgoth 48 指標 15小時前*

Fat Kevin Love is better at basketball, but skinny Kevin Love has Kate Bock



 [–]HOLYREGIME 482 指標 14小時前

He Will be good in the regular season. With Kyrie gone and he will put up numbers. It"s finals Kevin love that so extremely inconsistent it makes no sense.


[–]CelticsTreyAdell 217 指標 12小時前

It makes perfect sense, Finals Kevin Love has only played one of the great teams of all time that is really well designed to neutralize a guy like Love"s skills. Guys like KD and Dray are perfect Love defenders, he can"t back them down effectively and they"re quick enough to contest his threes. And on the other end he has zero hope of guarding the other effectively.


[–]TimberwolvesDrWolves 41 指標 16小時前

Hi, I"m regular season Kevin Love and I have DirectTV

Hi, I"m Finals Kevin Love and I have cable[譯註3]




[–]BulletsWallStar206 24 指標 9小時前

The fact he can"t back down KD or Klay anymore is really troublesome. He would feast on KD/klay mismatches in his minny days


[–]Warriorsphonage_aoi 10 指標 8小時前

KD has too much length and if does get deep enough position then they"ll just rotate Zaza or someone over anyways.

Klay though, he should be able to exploit that match-up.



[–]CavaliersSomali_Kamikaze 198 指標 14小時前

He was doing well up until Game 5 of the Finals tbh. He was out of the game early with two fouls, one of which I felt should"ve been called on Zaza, so he was never allowed to gain a rhythm. Defensively he played far better than he was given credit for in that series.


[–]MagicByrie_Swirving 136 指標 13小時前

game 3:

9 points 13 rebounds on 1/9 shooting.6 steals tbf but also 2 turnovers, worst +/- on the cavs. if he doesn"t shit the bed in that game the cavs have a chance to win the series.

game 5: 6 points 10 rebounds on 2/8 shooting. again worst +/- by far.

40% of the series where he was absolute trash. even game 1 when he was good, he shot 4/13. he absolutely shsits his pants on offense against the dubs




[–]CavaliersSomali_Kamikaze 39 指標 15小時前

Game 3 everybody shat the bed in the closing minutes. Love is just the easiest scapegoat. The reason why he hadn"t been benched by then was because he played extremely tenacious defense and he was rebounding like crazy. I remember there was a point in the second half of that game where he had three consecutive offensive boards.


Game 5, he was unfairly given a second foul early on in the game which didn"t allow him to get into a rhythm. That"s important for a player like Love because he doesn"t get a lot of touches to begin with so he"s got less room for error.


And as for Game 1 everybody played like dogshit. Even LeBron didn"t play that well as he had 7 or 8 TO"s in that game alone. Kyrie was being hounded by Klay for most of the game and was ineffective and JR is the type of player who only shows up when his back is against the wall. Kevin Love is just an easy scapegoat.


[–]LakersBBB_Rep 187 指標 16小時前*

Isaiah and Rose will probably be willing to get Love more involved than Kyrie did. The games where it was just Bron and Love without Kyrie really showed how awesome Kev still is. Bron and Kev have great chemistry compared to Kyrie and Kevin Love. The only people I think Kyrie had great chemistry with on the court were TT and LeBron.


[–]SpursAccelerationGate 87 指標 15小時前

For Love"s sake, I hope they are. But from watching Rose last year in New York, I"m not so sure. It pained me to see how little KP got the ball last year with Rose on the floor.




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