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Hi, everyone on Facebook,

I need your help: I have been transformed into a dog. I don』t know how it happened, but soon after I entered my remoteVermont1)cabin, something felt weird, and my nose suddenly seemed a lot longer and wetter, and then I caught my reflection in the oven door, and, well, I』ve turned into a dog, though I』ve retained my human brain. This is not a joke. I managed to take what I guess would still be defined as aselfie2)—this photo of a dog is, in fact, me—and I』m using my paws to type, though it』scumbersome3)and slow (so far, this message has taken methe better part of4)five hours). Fortunately, I am able to flush the toilet toreplenish5)my water supply and have access to the groceries I hadn』tput away6)before I turned into a dog. Address and directions are below.

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Hello again.

Thank you to everyone for 「liking」 my last post, but given that all of the comments were along the lines of 「Cute puppy!」 and 「Where』d you get your new little pal?」 I assume none of you read it, but merely looked at the photo and assumed I purchased a dog. So, to be clear: I have turned into a dog and need someone to rescue me from my remote Vermont cabin.

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O.K., I totally understand your reactions—ha ha, Gary, what a joker, pretending to havemetamorphosed7)into a dog and using Facebook to alert everyone. But this is serious. I』m actually a dog right now, and have been for the past seventy-two hours. My eyesight is really poor, so it』s hard to make myself out in the oven door, but for anyone who』s interested, I think I』m anEnglish cocker spaniel8). No one seems to believe me, let alone be offering help, and I』m getting worried that I』ll eventually starve to death here, still trapped in my newcanine9)body. Again, directions are below to the cabin where,it goes without saying10), I』m incapable of opening the front door.

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While I certainly appreciate receiving event invitations from many of you to your improv-comedy shows and poetry readings and Wednesday-night d.j. events, please note that I』m staying in my remote cabin in Vermont indefinitely and am unable to attend. Oh, and also, I』m now a dog, a fact none of you seems to bepicking up on11).

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It looks like about fourteen people have defriended me. I』m so sorry to inconvenience you all with a fewtactful12)requests for assistance relating to my instantaneouscorporeal13)conversion to another species. MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE USED ALL CAPITAL LETTERS TO POINT OUT THAT I EXPECT TO DIE IN MY REMOTE VERMONT CABIN AFTER INEXPLICABLY TURNING INTO A FUCKING ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL.

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I』m sorry about that last message. I』m finding it harder to control my temper than it used to be, back when I was a human. (Reminder for those who forgot: I』ve turned into a dog and am imprisoned within my remote Vermont cabin.) My food supply has run out, and I』ve been forced to hunt down and eat the mice in the basement. It』s not so bad here, really. I spend my four waking hours a day reading the larger-font books that I』m able to turn the pages of and surfing the Web (trying to do more of the former, less of the latter!). Also, a lot of humping furniture. I』m getting used to the idea of living out the rest of my life like this. If anyone wants to visit, he』s welcome to—we can just hang out and play fetch, and I won』t hump you or force you to bring me to scientists to help to turn me back into a human or anything.

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Really interesting article on income inequality in the U.S. over the decades. This has nothing to do with me now being a dog, by the way; I just thought you should all read it.

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The hours and days blur together, at seven times the speed of human life, or perhaps one-seventh—I don』t know anymore. I dream of running through fields thick with scents, of chasing my own tail, of sprawling by a fireplace as someone scratches my belly, of humping furniture.

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Hello again.

It』s been a while since you』ve all heard from me because I』ve been busy with a creative project: a screenplay about my sudden transformation from a person into—you guessed it—a dog. Mentally outlining it took only a week, but typing it up with my paws consumed five months. I』mover-the-moon14)thrilled to announce that I landed a film agent, via e-mail, who has sold my script, 「An Unexpected Tail,」 to Disney, as an animated feature.Matt Damon15)is attached to voice the role of Gary, the affable, remote-cabin-confined Everydog whose pleas for help about his metamorphosis gocallously16) unheeded17)by his supposed human friends. I』m currently stuck in rewrite hell, and so that I can meet deadlines for deliverables. I』m deactivating my Facebook account. If you want to reach me, you can do so by e-mail, or by sending old-fashionedsnailmail18)to the address where I remain captive—permanently, it seems—as a human trapped inside the body of a goddam dog.

P.S. Just realized that my Spotify playlists have been appearing in my newsfeed. Now you all know that I listen toKaty Perry19)non-stop while writing. So embarrassed!


1. Vermont:佛蒙特州,位於美國東北部。

2. selfie [?selfi] n. 自拍照(尤指那些自拍後上傳到社交網站的照片)

3. cumbersome [?k?mb?(r)s(?)m] adj. 笨重的;難處理的

4. the better part of:大多數;大半個

5. replenish [r??plen??] vt.把……裝滿;把……再備足,補充

6. put away:(大量)吃喝

7. metamorphose [?met??m??(r)f??z] vi. 變化;變形

8. English cocker spaniel:英國可卡獵犬

9. canine [?ke?na?n] adj. 犬的

10. it goes without saying:不言而喻;不消說

11. pick up on:注意到

12. tactful [?t?k(t)f(?)l] adj. 有分寸的;考慮周全的

13. corporeal [k??(r)?p??ri?l] adj. 身體的

14. over-the-moon:興高采烈地;欣喜若狂地

15. Matt Damon:馬特?達蒙(1970~),美國著名演員、編劇、製片,代表作為《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)。

16. callously [?k?l?sl?] adv. 冷酷無情地;麻木不仁地

17. unheeded [?n?hi?d?d] adj. 沒有受到注意的;被忽視的

18. snail mail:蝸牛郵件(電郵使用者用以比喻普通郵件)

19. Katy Perry:凱蒂·佩里(1984~),美國流行女歌手、演員兼詞曲創作者,人稱「水果姐」。

By Teddy Wayne,譯 / 李美佳。本文選自《新東方英語》2014年7月號。



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