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少年藝術 Creative怪物的模樣

孩子們畫下他們腦海中怪物的模樣,而來自世界各地的藝術家在此基礎上再次創造,繪製出帶有各自強烈風格的小怪物。孩子天真幻想與藝術家嫻熟技藝的碰撞讓人不禁會心一笑。 The Monster Project希望藉此機會,讓孩子們了解到想像的力量,充分激發他們的創造的潛能。點擊藝術家姓名查看更多個人作品。

Kids draw monsters, then artists from all over the world recreate them in their own styles!

The Monster Project hope to help children recognize the power of their own imaginations and to encourage them to pursue their creative potential. (Please click the name of the artist for more information about him/her.)

Aleksandar Zolotic

Angela Rizza


Chris Schofield


Christi du Toit


Cory Godbey




Erin Zingré


Francesco Bongiorni


Jake Longoria


Jhonny Nú?ez


Kathrin Honesta


Katie Johnson


Luis Pinto


Mark Verhaagen


Marko Rop


Mercy Lomelin


Molly Hensley


Oliver Sin


Riccardo Zema


Stuart Wade


Tano Bonfanti


Tom Bernardes


Trey Wadsworth


Yema Yema

MORE:The Monster Project





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