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Whether you re working from home or from an office I think it s pretty safe to say that the environment you re in can make a big difference in the work you produce. A creative workplace is more likely to have a positive impact on your mood as well as the level of inspiration and motivation. Today we ve rounded up a mix of nice workplaces from across the globe, gathered on Pinterest were you can find more inspiring offices like these ones.


Office spaces are often associated with unfriendliness and anonymity. So we have faced the challenge of designing a space that will not only foster concentration while working, but will also allow you to fully rest during breaks. Acoustics and individually adjusted solutions in surface zoning have become the guiding ideas of the concept.


have total individual freedom and self-assignment in their work space. Some employees never sit at a typical workstation and float between the different work settings with their laptops while others prefer to take up residence at a workstation and have the choice between custom adjustable height desks, movable desks on casters or large communal tables. They also have the option of using a desk located on the 「quiet floor」 or the more social floor with music. Having choice between different types of seating(lounge, café, desk), and the opportunity to engage in different experiences throughout the day is a crucial part of the bottom-up company model that encourages employees to have a sense of ownership. The seamless blend between work and play encourages authentic interaction and promotes collaboration.


We are adamant that their space should not be an insular campus. They want their employees to engage with the surrounding community. In this spirit, they also invite the community into their space. The massive first floor with a full bar, commercial kitchen and presentation area is open to non-profits and tech start-ups who are invited to host their own meetings, conferences and events. This area was designed to look and feel like a great event space embracing the hip, warm industrial aesthetic of local bars and restaurants, fully integrating it as part of the neighborhood. The design also honors the rich history of the brick and timber building that GitHub occupies through the use of five vintage shipping containers that were deconstructed and rebuilt onsite as a reference to the train that rolled in and out of the ground floor when the building was a dried fruit packing warehouse in the early 1900s. A faux railroad with brass rails and stamped concrete ties was also added in the same location as the original track to reinforce the building』s unique history.




Inside freedom and self-assignment in work space design


works share【極簡設計的優秀作品】

1: Airbnb』s Spacious New Office In Dublin


2:Park + Associates designed this architect s office in Singapore.


3:GitHub – San Francisco Headquarters

GitHub 洛杉磯總部

4:Converted warehouse office by Domaen features sculptural plywood meeting rooms


Perspective diagram – click for larger image

5: A Warehouse Is Transformed Into Workspace For Heavybit Industries


Taste of life, Enjoy the design, Good faith sharing






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