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《BAZAAR》國際版推薦 美白補水面膜排行榜10強

《 BAZAAR》-全球最為著名的時裝雜誌HARPER』SBAZAAR,創刊於1867年,是全美第一本時裝雜誌,全球擁有19個國際版本。最新一期的美國總版就發布了,全球美白面膜排行榜,美國是一個大雜燴國家,白種人,黃種人,棕色的,黑人都有,這裡出的美白面膜排名才能檢驗出真正的效果,但是美白面膜在國內很多都會汞超標,但是按照合格買沒有錯,因為在美國從來沒人敢亂添加有害物質。

1 CLARINS Whitening Mask

Apply to all women who want bright, transparent, soft skin and bright white skin. Features: unique soothing sedative effect, with the drainage function, effectively repair the skin, remove the toxins blocking the pores. Make the skin bright, white and tender, if new.

1 嬌韻詩 清透美白護理面膜


2 fresh peony Whitening Night Repair Mask

Fresh's peony series is really great! It contains peony and licorice root extract, can prevent and dilute all kinds of stains, and make light dark heavy skin, really can see the skin a little bit become white and transparent! The most important thing is to absorb super fast, there is no sense of sticky.

2 fresh牡丹煥白夜間修復面膜


3 announce snail facial mask

Snails liquid natural beauty whitening effect has been posed by, is a relatively safe, very significant effect of cosmetic raw materials, snail farming on the environment temperature and humidity requirements are very high, at present only Chinese Henan and Switzerland have 2 intensive farms, Henan Yun Chi biological for South Korea and L'OREAL Ian supply of raw materials have been a snail for nearly 20 years, the snail mask in Europe after the listing, it quickly replaced the Korean Ian position, because the Henan snail dope is more natural and more authentic.

3 宣致蝸牛面膜


4 snow Essence Whitening Mask

Sekkisei whitening effect how strong do not need to say more, this mask contains ten kinds of Kampo Adlay and Angelica pure plant extract, can diminish pigmentation, whitening is safe Oh ~ massage and attaining the one minute, the whole people shine a white. But there are also a lot of homework on the Internet, there are sister paper has said snow muscle essence is too exciting, sensitive muscle with caution.

4 雪肌精美白面膜


5 Olay OLAY water transparent white plastic mask

As we all know, OLAY's white bottle essence is very good. His family's whitening mask is as easy to use as it is. One piece of cutting can be stretched to the position that suits your face at will. Fitness is high, and then hand out the mask inside bubbles to mask the process, with the face to absorb whitening essence while tightening the pressure massage mask is really too special.

5 Olay玉蘭油水感透白光塑彈力面膜


6 Borghese Borghese Green Clay Mask

Borghese's green clay is suitable for all skin types, especially for oily and mixed skin. It can also be used for whole body care. It can thoroughly clean pores and completely remove keratinocytes and impurities accumulated on the epidermis. A firming agent with moisture added to help reduce dry lines and wrinkles. Make skin smoother and tighter.

6 Borghese貝佳斯綠泥面膜


7 Rohto CC Whitening Mask

Narton CC acne India should be a lot of people know, but is actually a very good whitening mask, contains abundant VC, its whitening brightening effect is great, but the price is very beautiful, it is to use this night Oh, don't forget, or just the opposite.

7 樂敦CC美白面膜


8 L'OCCITANE Immortelle Brightening Moisturizing Mask

L'OCCITANE Immortelle Brightening Moisturizing Mask is a light cream texture mask, flawless skin whitening, hydrating, a compact. Deep moisturizing repair, instant infusion of nourishing ingredients for the skin, just like the skin whitening bath, instantly make the skin full of youthful luster.

8 歐舒丹蠟菊亮白水凝保濕面膜


9 Shiseido SHISEIDO White Lucent mask

Close to the surface contour, so that the skin enjoy extraordinary whitening repair and moisture. Inhibit the formation of melanin, reduce pigmentation, a flawless uniform color, bright skin.

9 資生堂SHISEIDO透白美肌集中美白面膜


10 Missha MISSHA SUPER AQUA water soluble organic oxygen whitening mask

SUPER AQUA super moisturizing products from the South Pacific nature pure deep sea water, rose extract, gem complex three mythy refined activity system. To the skin with moisturizing and nourishing new, to help restore the skin beautiful and bright.

10 謎尚MISSHA SUPER AQUA水溶有機氧美白面膜

SUPER AQUA超級補水系列產品由大自然中南大平洋純凈深海水,玫瑰提取液,寶石複合體三種神密原料精製而成活性體系. 給皮膚以全新的保濕與滋養,幫助肌膚恢復動人光彩。



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