首頁 > 最新 > 2017年10月雅思口語最新權威預測


Part 1


1. Meals 飯


2. School life (high school) 學校生活


3. Rainy days 雨天


4. Computers and Internet 電腦與網路


5. Training 培訓


6. News 新聞


7. Teenagers 青少年


8. Boat/boating 船/划船


9. Traveling 旅行


10. Family activities 家庭活動



1. Name

2. Study or work

3. Hometown

4. Accommodation

5. Public Transport

6. Friends

7. Advertisement

8. Email

9. Fruits

10. Neighbors

11. Sunshine

12. Birthday

13. History

14. Pop stars

15. Politeness

16. Time management

17. Jewelry

18. Daily routine

19. Magazine

Part 2:


1. A dreamed house / apartment you want to move in (a perfect place to live in) 房子或公寓

2. A place where you (people) like to listen to music 音樂之地

3. A rule or regulation of your school that you agreed or disagreed with 規定

4. An advertisement you saw 廣告

5. A traditional product in your country 傳統產品

6. A piece of furniture 傢具

7. A leisure facility (like a cinema, a theater or a sports center) you like to have in your hometown 休閑設施

8. A way to stay healthy 健康之道

9. Something you bought recently that made you happy 買來很高興的東西

10. A good parent 好的父/母

11. An important letter you received (a time when you received a letter)重要來信

12. A science subject in your high school (Something you learned in science classes in your high school ) 科學課

13. An exciting book you have read before 令人興奮的書

14. A business person you admire 欽佩的商人

15. Something you bought because you watched its advertisement 因看廣告而買的東西

16. An interesting place that only a few people know 只有一些人知道的令人感興趣的地方

17. An experience of teaching something 教學經歷

18. An interesting foreigner you know or read about 令人感興趣的外國人

19. A pleasant time when you used your mobile phone 使用手機的一次快樂經歷

20. A good decision that someone around you made recently 好決定

21. An achievement that you are proud of 自豪的成就

22. A public park or a garden you have been to before 公園或花園

23. An occasion you helped someone 幫助某人

24. A knowledgeable person 知識淵博的人

25. A positive advice (positive suggestion) someone gave you 某人給你的積極建議


1. A car journey you had

2. A useful website

3. A place with lots of people

4. A recent change on your work or study

5. A time when you ate a special cake

6. A time when you went to an appointment much earlier than scheduled

7. Something you』ve wanted to do for a long time but you haven』t done yet

8. A couple with a happy marriage

9. A piece of good news you heard from someone (positive thing you heard from someone)

10. A free gift you received (e.g. a free meal or a free movie)

11. A piece of clothing you like most

12. A TV series or program you like

13. An invention that changed people』s life

14. A big company or organization in your city that employs a lot of people

15. A happy memory in your childhood

16. An interesting conversation with someone you did not know

17. A small city or town you like most

18. An occasion you saw lots of people were smiling

19. A work of art

20. A sport (game) you like watching

21. A leisure activity near sea

22. An English class that you enjoyed

23. A time you moved to a new place or a new school

24. A plant or (a kind of vegetable) you are interested in











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