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荷葉餅/Steamed Lotus-leaf Like Cake


麵粉: 400g

牛奶: 220g 或者常溫水: 200g

酵母: 4g

白糖: 40g(可不加)

表面刷油: 適量


Wheat flour: 400g

milk: 220g or normal temp. water: 200g

yeast: 4g

sugar: 40g (not necessary)

vege-oil: appropriate

做法/Way of Cooking

1. 酵母和糖用牛奶化開倒入麵粉里和成光潔的麵糰,蓋保鮮膜溫暖處發酵。

Mix the milk, sugar and yeast evenly and then pour the mixture into the wheat flour. Knead the dough until it is clean and smooth. Cover the dough with plastic film and put it in warm place for fermentation.

2. 兩小時之後,手沾乾粉戳洞檢查麵糰發酵狀態,如果洞口不回縮就表明發酵好了。

Two hours later, poke the dough with floured finger and see it is shrinked or not. If not, the dough is fermented.

3. 反覆揉搓發酵好的麵糰進行排氣,排氣結束後,將麵糰一切兩半,檢查切面無大顆粒孔洞即可。

Knead the fermented dough repeatedly and cut it into two parts. Check the surface of the cut, if no apparent hole is seen, it is ok.

4. 取其中一個麵糰搓長條分成20g左右一個的小劑子,蓋保鮮膜防風乾。

Take out one dough, roll to a long column and cut it into small doughs weighing 20g each. Cover with plastic film.


*****Don t judge the size of the small dough from the picture, which may cheat you. If you don t have a kitchen scale, just make the small dough a little bit bigger than that for dumpling. When it is flattened, it is as big as the dumpling wrapper, while the thickness is the same as that of the steamed stuffed bun.

5. 取一個小劑子按扁擀成橢圓形。

Take out a small dough, flatten and roll it to oval shape.

6. 刷一層薄油。

Smear a thin layer of oil.

7. 對摺。


8. 用一把新梳子壓出葉脈。

Press to form leaf vein with a new comb.

9. 全部壓好之後,在圓心部位用拇指和食指捏梗。

Pinch the center of the semi-circle after all the leaf verins are done.


If no new comb is avaiable, bread knife or backside of kitchen knife is ok. See the picture below.

10. 用梳子頭推葉脈外側。

Push the outside of the vein with comb head.

11. 一個荷葉餅就做好了。

One lotus-leaf like cake is done.

12. 依次做好所有面劑子,擺放在鋪好屜布或者油紙的蒸屜上,蓋上鍋蓋,醒發20分鐘,輕觸荷葉餅表面能夠緩慢回彈,二次發酵就合格了。

Finish all the small doughs accordingly, put them onto the covered tray. Cover the steamer and continue toferment for 20 minutes until it would slowly recover when you touch it with your fingers.

13. 打開煤氣,大火燒水,中火蒸15分鐘,關火5分鐘之後揭鍋蓋。

Turn on the gas, boil the water with big fire and steam with middle fire for 15 minutes counting from generation of steam. Turn off the gas and lift the cover of the steamer 5 minutes later.


1. 方子是三層蒸鍋的量。如果一次不想做那麼多,按比例減少材料用量。


2. 做好的荷葉餅可以夾些自己喜歡的菜,梅菜扣肉,粉蒸肉什麼的家庭宴請裝13最好了,時間不夠花2分鐘做個蔥爆羊肉也好吃的不要不要的。


The quantity of materials is for three-layer steamer. If you don t want to make so much, please reduce the ingredients proportionately, or you may just put the rest in the freezer (not fridge!) and steam for 5 minutes before next eating.

You can eat the lotus-leaf like cake with whatever you like inside. Pork with preserved vegetable or steamed pork with rice flour is the traditional partner with it, which will make your family banquet special. If time is up, quick-fried mutton slices with green onion is also a good choice.



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