首頁 > 佛學 > 該怎樣去除雜念?




Q: I went to the temple in order to find the purest heart, but when I got here, I found my mind still filled with distracting thoughts. How should I eliminate them?

A: It depends on your own wisdom. It is pure and perfect everywhere. It is your mind and karmic obscurations that are not pure or perfect. Without enlightening or perfect wisdom, nothing is perfect, no matter where you are. As it is told in Having Everything Perfectly, there is nothing perfect in the world, and thinking through is perfect; there is nothing perfect in the world, and being content with fewer desires is prefect; there is nothing perfect in the world, and following karma and letting off is perfect. The main point is to letoffyour mindset, which is perfect and complete. You have earned the blessing to come to the temple due to your practicing for many lives. Your idea to purify your mind is good, but only a few can make their minds pure and gain completeness at once. For most people, only by practicing gradually to make the continuity of mind mature, can they purify their minds.



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