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元青花完整器十分稀少 元青花的異常珍貴與它的稀少大有關係。目前學術界公認的說法是全世界元青花完整器存世量約三四百件。



Name: Yuan blue and white kylin double Chi ear cans

Specification: high 45cm mouth, 11.5cm bottom foot diameter 13cm

Clay material

Age: Yuan

Price: RMB:380 million

The Department of Yuan blue and white kylin double Chi ears tank type, sedate and easy, thick matrix. Edge, short neck, shoulders, double Chi ears, under the shoulder gradually convergence, quanzu. The concave shaped short foot. Blue and white color blue black glaze, glaze white ash pan end. The bottom exposed is flint red. On abdomen has two distinct ground tire marks, the blue and white, with kylin, light and soft, exquisite composition rigorous, complex chaos. Visible light side light Hali, similar to the bone china is like this, there has been very rare. Worthy of collection, large collection of space.

Blue and white porcelain production in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the yuan dynasty. Yuan Dynasty blue and white changed the traditional Chinese style with implicit and restrained style, which gave people a brief pleasure with distinctive visual effects. With its heroic atmosphere and artistic original spirit, the art of blue and white painting was pushed to the peak, and the prosperity and lasting prosperity of the later blue and white porcelain were established. Yuan blue and white special large, large, large cans, large bottles. Turkey tuobuka palace has dozens of Yuan blue and white pieces, are Chinese was out. It is one of the reasons associated with the character of Mongolian, Mongolian rough, not to stick at trifles.

Kylin is one of the rich features of the times theme of Yuan blue and white decoration, kylin legendary auspicious beast in the yuan blue and white ornamentation in the characteristics of the image is the deer, cattle, horse, and often with flowers, fruits and patterns into the painting, but also with the dragon phoenix pattern and draw in a device.

Yuan Dynasty blue and white integrity is very rare, Yuan blue and white is very rare, and it has little to do with the relationship. At present, the academic world is the accepted version of Yuan blue and white intact quantity of about three hundred or four hundred.

July 12, 2005, Yuan blue and white "Guiguzi map" in the British tank, Christie's 230 million yuan sold price, become the Asian Art in the greatest in the world. The same one yuan blue and white "Kam incense Pavilion" cans, in 2005 in Hongkong, Christie's also made a high price of 49 million yuan. .




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