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Data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that approximately 11 percent of children aged 4 to 17 are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the United States.


Among the adult U.S. population, the National Institute of Mental Health report a 4.1 percent 12-month prevalence rate for the disorder.


ADHD is typically characterized by hyperactivity, a short attention span, and difficulties in self-organization. Sometimes, the disorder can be accompanied by one or several other conditions, including dyslexia, anxiety, and depression.

ADHD的特徵通常是多動症,注意力無法集中,自控力較差。 有時候,這種疾病可伴隨著一種或幾種其他病症,包括誦讀困難,焦慮和抑鬱。

Another concern that has been flagged up in relation to ADHD is the existence of sleep problems, including sleep apnea and disturbed sleep patterns.


Mostly, ADHD and sleep disturbances have been treated as separate issues, but Prof. Sandra Kooij, from the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, believes that the two may be fundamentally interconnected.

大多數情況下,ADHD和睡眠障礙被視為單獨的問題,但來自荷蘭阿姆斯特丹的VU大學醫學中心的Sandra Kooij教授認為,這兩者可能在根本上相互關聯。


"If you review the evidence, it looks more and more like ADHD and sleeplessness are two sides of the same physiological and mental coin," explains Prof. Kooij.


Prof. Kooij s investigation has revealed several interesting facts about the presence of sleep disturbances in individuals diagnosed with ADHD, and many of those have led her to form her hypothesis.


She notes, in the first place, that the majority of people diagnosed with ADHD also exhibit a disturbed sleep pattern. The physiological aspects of sleep are also affected which, in turn, could lead to other, more severe health implications.

她指出,首先,大多數診斷為ADHD的人也表現出不安的睡眠模式。 睡眠的生理方面也受到影響,反過來又可能導致其他更嚴重的健康影響。

"We started to measure the onset of the sleep hormone melatonin in the saliva of people with ADHD with and without sleep onset problems. We found that late sleepers had their onset of melatonin 1.5 hours later than normal, correlating with the late sleep pattern," Prof. Kooij told MNT.


"also, their movement patterns and temperature during 24 hours were delayed," she added. "The next question was which other physical processes might be delayed, and what this would mean for their health in general."

「他還表示:」他們的運動模式和體溫在24小時內被推遲了。「 「下一個問題就是要看看有哪些其他物理過程可能會被推遲,對健康又意味這著什麼。」

People diagnosed with ADHD complain of a wealth of sleep disorders, such as:


restless legs syndrome, which is characterized by an urge to move one s legs during a state of rest, which disrupts normal sleep patterns


sleep apnea, in which abnormal - and disruptive - pauses in breathing occur during sleep


various circadian rhythm disturbances, referring to disruptions of the regular physiological cycle that naturally "times" sleep and wakefulness, including delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS)


DSPS is characterized by an impossibility to fall asleep before the small hours and increased difficulty in waking up in the morning.


Prof. Kooij told us that these disturbances can intensify the risk of other conditions, including obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.


She also shared with us some tips for managing sleep disturbances, advising that people concerned about their sleep patterns should "stop using the light of screens after 10 p.m.," and that they should aim to "get up at the same time every morning, and if necessary, use a strong lamp to wake up the brain."

她還與我們分享了一些管理睡眠障礙的提示,建議關心睡眠模式的人應該「在晚上10點之後停止使用屏幕的光線」,並且他們應該瞄準「每天早上同時起床, 如果有必要,用強大的燈來喚醒大腦。「




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