首頁 > 新聞 > 中元節夜話:你說的「鬼」是什麼鬼?







The 15th day of the 7th Chinese lunar month is Chinese Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival.


The Hungry Ghost Festival is an important day, it is together with New Year s Eve, Tomb-sweeping Day, Chongyang Festival as Chinese traditional worship festival.


Different with the western "Ghost Festival" -- Halloween, in which day people dress up and hold party, however in China, people put lanterns, burning paper, worship ancestor in a solemn atmosphere.


In fact, not only the west customs and Chinese customs in Ghost Festival are different, even the "Chinese ghost" and "Western ghost" are not same.

中國的鬼/Chinese Ghost


"Chinese ghost" can be found in the Book of Rites: " Generally speaking, all born between heaven and earth were said to have their allotted times; the death of all creatures is spoken of as their dissolution; but man when dead is said to be in the ghostly state."


Although the Chinese character "ghost" is a pictographic character, it does not simplify the appearance of ghosts. It is recorded in the ritual that witches wearing scary masks and loading with ghosts. The evidence is inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells.


Not only human loves to mystify deliberately, Chinese ghosts are also interested in pretending to be human. Pu Songling, a Qing Dynasty writer, depicted many different characters in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, in which ghosts are lustrous and dazzling. They dressed like human, some of whom even very cute.

西方的鬼/Western Ghost

西方古代相信人擁有靈魂,將其寫作 Gast。中古英語中,拼寫改為 Gost。後來又在現代英語中變為 Ghost。

In ancient times, western people believed that people have soul and wrote it as 「Gast」. In Middle English, the spelling was changed to 「Gost」. Later, it became 「Ghost」 in modern English.

Ghost ,原本泛指活人或死人的靈魂,相當於來自拉丁語的 Spirit(精神)。直到14世紀時,它的詞義才變成專指「死人的靈魂」,即「鬼魂、幽靈」。

Ghost originally referring to the soul of the living or dead, is equivalent to the word 「Spirit」 from Latin. Until 14th Century, it refers to "the soul of the dead", "ghost".

不過, Holy Ghost(聖靈)一詞中的Ghost依然保留了原意。英皇欽定本《聖經》中的 Holy Spirit都寫作 Holy Ghost。在一些西方的藝術作品中,Holy Ghost會以鴿子或火焰的形象出現。

However, the word "Ghost" still retains the original meaning in Holy Ghost. Holy Spirit is always spelled as Holy Ghost in King James Version of the Bible. In some western art works, Holy Ghost will appear in the form of a dove or flame.

至於被中國人翻譯成「吸血鬼」(Vampire)、「魔鬼」(Demon)、「膽小鬼」(Coward)的眾「小鬼」們,它們和 Ghost 其實沒有半毛錢關係!

As for the Chinese translation of "Vampire", "Demon" and "Coward" and other "little devils", they have no relation to Ghost in fact!


However, the vampire or the devil elements of Western story are indeed to be on a par with Chinese ancient gods and spirits!



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