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Can we please build modern toilets and a modern sewage system for India?


Im tired of hearing online how our country lacks toilets. EVERY FUCKING TIME WE HAVE SOMETHING GOOD GOING FOR US, A PAKISTANI/CHINESE WILL COMMENT HOW WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TOILETS! and as much as I would love to refute him/her, it's TRUE! :(


So what is going on? how can we solve this? and how much does this cost us? Why do we not think of this as tied heavily to our national image? It has been decades since independance and why are we still so behind this? Does China have this issue as well?





prophecyandpopcornunemployed bro!

It will cost a lot to upgrade the sewage system and it will not happen at once. Each town and village will have to take part in the change itself. Months of work is required, the roads will be dug, which will be a problem in itself and most importantly, money is required but corruption will take most of it away.

In short, modern sewage system will be construed (or upgraded) slowly and will take decades to complete.




[–]me_tera_tauUNESCO Certified Tau of the Year

My hometown had a sewage system built 3-4 years ago. Right now there are a HUGE number of complaints of clogged drains and backflow. Luckily, we never took the connection to the sewage system as my dad was skeptical it would work and wanted others to try first.


[–]prophecyandpopcornunemployed bro! 30 指標 1 月前

Your father is a smart man. It really is a shame that we cannot trust our own government to provide us with better living standards.



It took Europe about a century.



But they did it in the 19th century. We have much better tools now. The problem is not technology, the problem is lack of awareness, inefficacy, and corruption.



If no start is made, it doesn』t matter whether the work takes one day or one century.



Bro it is easy to contruct toilets . It is difficult to bring running water supply to these toilets so that they can be clean long enough for people to continuosly use them


[–]me_tera_tauUNESCO Certified Tau of the Year

It is easy to construct toilet. It is difficult to make people use them. Caste and purity taboos still prevents many people from using toilets in their homes even if they have a perfectly usable toilet with running water. This is what makes India a unique case.



[–]willyslittlewonkaMIT (Madarchod Institute of Technology)

It's mostly a problem with us Hindus. The Muslims, whatever faults of their religion, tend to mind cleanliness. We just have all these weird ass superstitions which are especially prevalent among the poorer people regardless of if they are low class Dalits or not. It will take more than just toilets to fix b/c you need to fix the mindset of the country first.



Any sources for that? I've seen firsthand in many muslim slums in Mumbai that practice open defecation. People shit right outside and around Sulabh sauchalayas.


[–]Mycroft-TarkinHyderabad, IN

People simply don't want toilets. There are too many superstitions concerning hygiene in this country. There are millions conditions to check before doing simple things like going to the barber or even cutting your nails.

Toilets are considered dirty. People won't clean their own toilets, because only "certain" people are meant for that. You aren't even allowed to touch already dirty things like cash notes with your "toilet" hand. If you're a leftie people will scoff at you for eating with your left hand.

Pehle remove all these customs that are holding us back.





As Nehru once said: "No country or people who are slaves to dogma and dogmatic mentality can progress, and unhappily our country and people have become extraordinarily dogmatic and little-minded."



And he wrote it in 1926!



It doesn't matter when he wrote it, the thing is that he wrote the truth. What difference does it make whether he wrote it in 1926 or now?



The World Bank had a report on this issue a few years ago. Basically the problem is not one of resources but of culture. A lot of toilets have been built, but they are not used due to caste issues.

The problem is more a cultural one than one of infrastructure. Bangladesh has almost no outdoor defecation despite being a poorer nation.

As much as it hurts people admitting it, it's a problem within Hinduism(caste) which is causing this. It's not a problem that will be solved by money alone.





Forget sewage system. In 10yrs from now there will be drinking water crisis.



The two are related. If you pollute the water you have and you don』t clean it, you will not have clean water.



So you want proper sanitation in India because you fear the taunts of Pakistani or Chinese?



His reason maybe misplaced but the question is legit. With a good sanitation system, a country can save billions of dollars.

Less people falling sick, more productivity, more $$.



Our govt is trying to do exactly that.he goal is to have toilets in every household by 2019 and be open defecation free by then. Although we are making progress, we still have some way to go.



No modern sewage system can handle trash along with sewage. We throw so much junk on streets. System is bound to get blocked.


[–]SouthieSaarSant Mudiji

You got triggered by Chinese/Pakistani. They don't have toilets for themselves too.

I know it doesn't absolve anything, but I'm just saying.



Let me ruin your day.

It's not just designated streets it should actually be designated rivers. India generates 62k Million litres per day (MLD) of raw sewage. Of this 40k MLD is not treated and discharged directly into our rivers or the sea (Mumbai alone discharges 1.3k MLD of raw shot into the Arabian Sea).


To improve our sewage infrastructure would require no less than $ 30 billion (this is just for STP's), to build or upgrade our sewage pipeline networks would need nothing less than $ 100 billion + relevant Opex. In essence, we need Rs 8l crores to just provide basic sewage facilities that even other mid income countries take for granted.


Is there hope? I think so. If you look at our giant Northern neighbor, China did not have even one STP till about 1983. As of today, China treats 65% of it's shit, as opposed to India's 25%. On this, we seem to be ahead of the curve (one of the few things) and sustained investments should help alleviate the problem.


However, and there is a however, there are two huge problems. Under over constitution, Sewage systems and networks come under the state. Second, China herself in the early 90's dropped the subsidy programs for sewage programs and water metering and upped rates to ensure that a self sustaining system could run based on revenues + some element of central funding.


This is why a democracy is bad, relative to a single party set up. Our netas will trip over themselves to fund stupid farm loan waivers every 3,4 years, as that wins votes. Something like investing in sewage systems is "not sexy" and hence it might never get the attention it deserves.

Now, I am depressed.





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