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The idea came to Kobe Bryant right away when his longtime collaborators at Nike told him the Lakers wanted their fourth jersey — the so-called "city edition" — designed in his honor: a snakeskin pattern to play off of his "Black Mamba" nickname.


"The snake came to me immediately," Bryant says. "It came to me so fast, I was thinking, "This can"t be that easy. This idea is not going to work." I spent months trying to talk myself out of it. But in the end, simplicity always wins."


Esleban Montoya, Nike"s art director for NBA uniforms, had worked with Bryant before on shoe designs and knew Bryant would want to be involved with every step in the creation of the first "Lakers Lore" jersey. (All 30 teams will have city edition jerseys, but the Lakers are the only ones planning to use them to honor franchise legends, the NBA and Nike say.


With Bryant"s jersey set to be retired on Dec. 18, he was a natural choice to kick off the series, which will debut on Friday Jan. 26. The Lakers intend to make these their Friday jerseys for the rest of the season).


"They have always had a more traditional aesthetic," Montoya says. "This was an opportunity to look at something more progressive." They toyed with the idea of enlarging the ball in the team"s primary logo and blowing up the logo itself — a play on the Lakers being "larger than life," Montoya says. They showed Bryant mock-ups of orange, sunset-themed jerseys that would hint at L.A."s weather and glamorous nightlife.

「他們總會更偏向於傳統審美」蒙托亞說。「這是一個可以觀察事物進步的機會」 他們隨意於擴大球隊最初logo中籃球的面積並放大他們自己的logo——-湖人「非同凡響」的一個製作,蒙托亞說。他們展示科比模型的橙色,黃昏特色的球衣可以暗示洛杉磯的氣候和獨具魅力的夜生活。

They ran every mock design past Bryant. He liked the sunset theme, but his mind kept going back to the black mamba. "We talked about playing off the weather and the sunset — all this gimmicky s—-," Bryant says. "But it all felt like trying to talk ourselves out of the simplest idea. In the end, you have to get right to the truth of it." The Lakers and Nike might return to that sunset theme in future alternates, but everyone agreed to go with the snake motif.

他們將每一個模具設計傳達給科比。他喜歡黃昏這個主題,但他心思卻在繼續追憶黑曼巴。「我們談過要在氣候和黃昏上做寫文章——所有這些詭計都糟透了」科比說,「我們總是想要跳出這些最簡單的概念,但最後,你必須得承認簡潔為王」 儘管湖人和耐克想要在將來回歸這些黃昏主題的替代品,但每一個人都同意這個曼巴蛇的主題。

With that settled, it was time to dig in. Bryant and the designers thought about using a brighter base color, or one that would make the snakeskin print easier to see. There are more garish designs floating around.


Bryant insisted the jersey incorporate elements of uniforms the Lakers wore during his rookie season, Montoya says. Those touches include 3-D-style lettering, with the classic drop shadow and the scoop neck. (Nike"s new jerseys have a sharper V-style-neck). The silhouette of the jerseys, including the shorts, is meant to evoke the Showtime era of the 1980s, Montoya says.


The jersey is littered with little treasures for uniform nerds. Eight stars run down the outside of the shorts on each leg — one star for each of the Lakers" 16 championships. Unfold the flap at the bottom of the shorts on the right leg, and you"ll discover a gold "8." Do the same on the left side, and you"ll reveal a gold "24."

這件球衣印上了一些珍貴的東西. 在球褲每一側腿部部分有著8個星—— 一顆星表示著湖人16個總冠軍。展開球褲右腿底部的側面,你會發現一個金色的「8」.在左腿也有同樣的設計,你會揭看到一個金色的「24」.

They gave "24," Bryant"s number starting in the 2006-07 season, center stage on the belt buckle, and Montoya added one snazzy final touch: He colored the parts of the "2" and "4" that connect gold, so that they stand out as a slanted "LA" within the 24 numeral. "It represents the idea that Kobe and L.A. are really one of one," Montoya says.

科比始於2006-07賽季的號碼是24,他們把這個數字放在褲帶中間,蒙托亞還畫龍點睛,添加了一個鮮艷的星星:他用用金色染了「2」和「4」的一部分,這樣會在24號碼上突出一個傾斜的「LA」 「這代表這科比和L.A是一體的」蒙托亞說道。

Bryant is thrilled with the result.


"It was fun to help create it," he says. "It means something right when you look it. And if you"re a Lakers fan, you know what it means."


As a Lakers fan, you know what it means.




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