首頁 > 最新 > 時提醒自己目前的節拍,踩穩步伐,該停時停,該走時走



十一、夢醒了,就該忘了。不要哭,不要為了它傷心或是痛苦。 等遇到下一個,能和你創造新的回憶的人,請你一定要接受他,開心的去生活, 然後,你只要偶爾的去想起我,這樣就夠了。


Ten, one of the secrets of happiness is to grasp the rhythm of love. At any time, remind yourself of the current rhythm, step on the step, the time to stop, the time to walk; the time to enter, the time to retreat.

Eleven, wake up, it should be forgotten. Don"t cry, don"t be sad or painful for it. After meeting the next person who can create new memories with you, you must accept him and enjoy your life. Then you only need to think of me occasionally, that"s enough.

Twelve, love. People who are immersed in love are the happiest. Long way of life, with your company, support, enough.



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