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Hello, 我是Lyla老師,今天我們來聊一聊關於我在英國留學期間的那些事兒吧!


第一階段:享受新鮮感(Enjoying the fresh feeling)


When I first came to England, I was immediately attracted by the exciting sense of freshness, the blue sky, the white clouds, the vast expanse of grass, the fresh air,the lovely campus and the fulfilling feeling of English words, all of them made a deep impression on me. Especially, when you met some new friends, you felt that everything was so interesting.

第二階段:語言問題和身處異鄉的孤獨感(Language problems and aloneness)

留學圈中有這樣的一句玩笑話是:「好山好水好寂寞」。可能很多寶寶們會問,what are you 弄啥嘞?可這句話確實反映出一部分留學生寶寶的生活狀態,尤其是對於那些剛來不久的人。


There is a joke among the overseas students, like this, with the ideal landscape, but still feel lonely. Some people may want to say that what are you saying? However, this joke assuredly shows the state of life of some overseas students, especially for those who are the new soul.

After experiencing the freshness, just like everybody else, I also was overwhelmed by the barrage of various courses. After all, I was influenced by the English language learning of past ten years in inland as well. Gradually, the uneasy feeling rushing forward, swift as the tide, I felt very uncomfortable for this kind of environment. It forced that you must deal with everything by yourself, such as problems of life trifles, learning and your interpersonal circle. Yes, absolutely, you can only figure it ourt on your own. Then, I really felt I got the homesickness.

第三階段:適應期(Adaptive phase)



It is really not too long for aloness period, you have to believe in your ability of adapting and learning. About one week, I gradually discovered that I was not attracted by the UK environment deeper and deeper without the company of my friends and guiding of my professor.

I began to study and travel together with my partners, I also feel more and more confident and then one day, I surprisely realized that I could understand everything in UK as well. So I consider that the formation of language learning is really a huge project. I also want to tell you guys, please, English also is a kind of language, so it is necessary to train together with listening, speaking, reading and writing.




I have been completely adapt the life in this stage, I had my own goals and expectation of language learning and research studying. I remebered that I truely was a busy bee in all kinds of papers.

Lyla believes that every overseas students experienced the learning time of whole night of library. The cup of coffee, the computer of library and the assignment of graduation, all of these, are the great memory of all of us.


This is the sharing part of Lyla"s UK learning and living time, so how do you think, my guys? I am looking forward to your comments and interaction.





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