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原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:碳酸飲料 轉載請註明出處


I have been playing FPSs online for 15years and this is the worst cheating I"ve ever seen. This game is a fuckingjoke.

我玩了15年FPS online(在線第一人稱射擊)遊戲,這是我見過最操蛋的作弊。這遊戲特么就是一笑話。


《絕地求生》是Bluehole與《H1Z1》、《武裝突襲3》「大逃殺」模式製作人Playerunknown聯合開發的第三人稱射擊遊戲。該遊戲是一款大逃殺類型的遊戲,玩家需要在島上收集各種資源,在不斷縮小的安全區域內對抗其他玩家,讓自己生存到最後。[1] 遊戲在中國由騰訊遊戲獨家代理運營[2] 。和所有FPS類遊戲一樣,絕地求生也免不了外掛的侵襲,玩家的遊戲體驗在一步步惡化。在「神仙」橫行的現在,正常玩家的《絕地求生》漸漸變成了《掘地求生》。


原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:碳酸飲料 轉載請註明出處


Easy_as_pie 於 2小時前 發表

Really enjoyed this game for the lastcouple of months but now it is completely unplayable. Tried to play for 4-5hours today with my friends but every game but one we were killed by cheaters.You could literally just ban these cheaters using nothing but their stats,wouldn"t even have to watch the replays.... 90% head shots and a 254 k/d? Banthem for fucks sake. Most seem to be aim bots with just instant locking andshooting but I"ve been up against a couple shooting from across the map andthrough walls as well. I"m going to try and request my money back and than goplay an FPS where the developers are actually competent.

過去幾個月里挺享受這個遊戲的,但現在這遊戲根本沒法玩了。我試過每天跟朋友一起開黑玩4-5個小時,但每一局最終都是被掛逼幹掉。你什麼都不用看,光憑數據就能找出這幫掛逼併封號,都不用看擊殺回放...90%的爆頭率,KD(擊殺死亡比) 254?封了特么的號吧!掛逼中大多數使用的是自動瞄準,能瞬間鎖頭並且開槍擊殺,不過我還曾經被人千里爆頭和穿牆殺過。我要申請退款,再去找一款能力過硬的開發者做出來的FPS遊戲玩兒。

Pacify_ 2 指標 37 分鐘前

The reason why it feels so bad, is becausethe genre is inherently really susceptible to cheating. I"ve thought from dayone that cheating was eventually going to be a massive issue, and that it wasjust a matter of time.

In CS:Go, you only have to worry about 5people on the other side, provided you are in a pre-made. And while a singlehacker will completely ruin that game, its still only 5 people.

In pubg, you spawn with 96 to 99 otherplayers. You only need a single hacker to ruin the game.

I"m still not really convinced that theover cheater percentage of population is really much higher than CS:GO, itsjust you feel the effects of it so much readily.

FPS where the developers are actuallycompetent.

CS has been struggling with hackers for 18years. And the battle still hasn"t been won. Yeah, Bluehole should have hadTencent running their Chinese operation from the start (or atleast from monthsago), but the tech behind anti-cheat systems just don"t really work that well.The only FPS game I can think of that really does it well is Overwatch, butBlizzard built that from the ground up, and the game is more expensive than CSor PuBG







Easy_as_pie[S] 1 指標 30 分鐘前

There have always been cheaters in PUBG andI agree, this type of game is just more susceptible to cheating. However, italso compensates for that because cheaters are still killable in this game andonce they"re gone they are gone for good. Even if you have an aimbot you canstill get shot in the back or killed by a stray grenade or sniped. However,this new batch is unbelievably obvious and numerous. I was killed by a cheaterso many times today. It seems like maybe 1 in 10 players in PUBG right now AREcheaters which would be the same amount that would ruin CS:GO. Two differentsquads I ran into all had the same name and were all cheating. It is so badright now.


Pacify_ 1 指標 19 分鐘前

It seems like maybe 1 in 10 players in PUBGright now ARE cheaters which would be the same amount that would ruin CS:GO.Two different squads I ran into all had the same name and were all cheating. Itis so bad right now.

My only suggestion is to stick with FPP andwait for the Tencent version to go live. Hopefully that will mean the end ofChinese being able to play on steam version. There still an occasional hackerin FPP, but its liveable (at least for now). Squads TPP seems to be the hackercentral



Geoxsis_06 3 指標 1小時前

You have to realize a game can not bansomeone before they start hacking lol. 98% of these "chinese" hackersplay for a day and get banned. They just farm BP for crates and hope to getexpensive items and sell them for a profit. None of these obvious accountsactually stay active for more than 8+ hours.


Easy_as_pie[S] 2 指標 1小時前

Also it should be noted that they aren"tall "chinese hackers". Got killed by a group of teenagers cheatingall shouting slurs and "china number one" too.

有一點得提醒你,掛逼不全是說中文的。我還被一夥滿嘴污言穢語,高喊「China number one」的青少年殺過。

Fweeke 2 指標 50 分鐘前

There are cheaters with hundreds of games.The issue is that they aren"t being banned at all.


Easy_as_pie[S] 0 指標 1小時前

It should ban most cheaters as soon as theyload up the game with cheats. If I went and added a cheat to say Overwatch oreven COD I would most likely be banned instantaneously. The small amount ofspecialized cheating there is can also be banned quickly through programs justlooking through stats. It is so blatantly obvious in PUBG you could ban mostcheaters right now just through a bot combing through stats and not hit anylegit players. You could see it through their first game played for fucks sake.The rest need to be looked at through replays but they are also obvious.


417392 1 指標 1小時前

You should look up how anti-cheats actuallywork


Easy_as_pie[S] 1 指標 1小時前

They scan your computer memory and look forthe cheats. It"s like anti-virus software. Once a cheat is known(just like whenthere is a known virus with anti-virus software), the anti-cheat program findsit and automatically bans that person. And, even if the cheat is not know, itusually will also search for things being tampered with. PUBG seems to do thesethings very, very, very poorly.


Pacify_ 1 指標 30 分鐘前

PUBG seems to do these things very, very,very poorly.

Theres no other FPS game that has had todeal with so many players, so quickly. The people behind COD have been workingon the franchise for 15 years, and honestly PC COD has never been the mainsystem, its mostly consoles. Cheating on consoles is so much harder.

Its better to compare PUBG with CShonestly.




Easy_as_pie[S] 1 指標 20 分鐘前

PUBG sat for over a year in alpha/beta.Overwatch did the same, with a similar amount of players, if not more. I putmuch much more time into Overwatch than pubg and I have never once ever playedagainst or with a cheater in Overwatch. Never. Obviously Overwatch had Blizzardbehind it going in and many many years of development and a different style ofgame that is not as susceptible to cheating but I mostly bring it up to pointout that it is very possible to not have a shitload of cheaters in a game.Design choices like not being able to sell loot boxes for cash help a lot too.If you are going to launch a game and say it is ready to play it should befucking playable.


Pacify_ 1 指標 16 分鐘前

Overwatch seems to have the best anti-cheatsystems in FPS at the moment, would be really interesting to know what they dodifferent.

I can"t ever recall seeing a single hackerin OW. But expecting PUBG to be the same as Overwatch just isn"t realistic. Thedifference in studios/budget/development time is just completely different.

Design choices like not being able to sellloot boxes for cash help a lot too.

I don"t see much relevance in this one, thecost of a new account to hacker once you get banned would far exceed anythingyou could make from BP, even if you played 24 hours a day





Pacify_ 1 指標 33 分鐘前

If I went and added a cheat to sayOverwatch or even COD I would most likely be banned instantaneously.

Overwatch you might get banned pretty fast.COD? Oh hell no. You massively overestimate the power of COD anti cheat systems



Easy_as_pie[S] 1 指標 19 分鐘前

I haven"t played a COD game in a while butI rarely ran into cheaters in the last one I played... They are usually prettygood about keeping cheaters out for the first year or so but than they do justditch it and it gets overrun.


Quanzo1 3 指標 2小時前

Very true. Honestly only made a Redditaccount so I can come on here and tell people how broken this game has become.




2 指標 1小時前

It"s a shame Brendan Greene doesn"t playhis own game so he can experience it. He might actually region lock then.

真可惜,Brendan Greene(絕地求生的設計者,在此之前還設計了紅極一時的H1Z1)自己不玩兒他自己做的遊戲,真想讓他親身感受一下。估計那個時候他就會想著鎖區了。

Fweeke 2 指標 50 分鐘前

Or kill himself.




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