首頁 > 最新 > HBO官宣:《權游》將於2019年回歸


For fans longing for the return of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons this isn"t necessarily great news.Game Of Thrones Season 8 will not hit small screens until 2019, HBO confirmed on Thursday.

粉絲們盼望已久的Jon Snow,Daenerys Targaryen和她的龍們要回歸了,這不算是大新聞。HBO在星期三確認《權游》第8季直到2019年才會搬上小屏幕。

That means the medieval fantasy is sitting out 2018 entirely as has long been rumored even before actress Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark, made the big reveal in Variety last month.

這也意味著這部中世紀的幻想大片將不會在2018年上演。其實,在上個月,Sansa Stark的扮演者Sophie Turner在《Variety》雜誌中揭露了這個事實。

Season 7 wrapped after just seven episodes on August 27 with an 80-minute segment called The Dragon And The Wolf. It contained a slew of reveals not least of which was that Jon, played by Kit Harington, is actually the son of actor Wilf Scolding"s Rhaegar Targaryen and Aisling Franciosi"s Lyanna Stark, long written out of the series. That makes him the heir to the Iron Throne.

8月27日,《權游》第7季發布了第7集《龍與保魯夫》,時長80分鐘,然後第七季就這麼結束了。其中大量揭露了Kit Harington扮演的Jon其實是演員Wilf Scolding扮演的Rhaegar Targaryen和演員Aisling Franciosi扮演的Lyanna Stark的兒子,劇情其實早就計劃好的。這讓Joe成為了王位繼承人。

But fans will have to wait at least a year to find out how it all pans out with HBO yet to reveal an exact date for the show"s return in 2019. What is known is that the final season of the megahit fantasy series will consist of six episodes.


Sophie previously told Variety that production on Season 8 began in October and is set to run into the middle of 2018.


Given that Martin plans one more final book in the series after that, A Dream Of Spring, the HBO series is still expected to reveal its ending before Martin"s version hits bookstores.




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