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首先創建一個公園人視角的基本模型。效果圖的製作主要運用的是PS,因此我會在PS中進一步調整細部信息。商業走廊的製作也很簡單,但我花費了較多時間來建立商鋪的玻璃立面,並且添加了細部座椅。1. Sketchup ModelFor the park view, the model was as basic as you could get. I knew that image would largely be created in Photoshop, so I focused on basic massing information to guide me once in Pshop. The retail corridor view was simple as well, but a little more time was spent setting up the glass storefront system and adding small details to the tiered seating on the left.2、V-Ray基礎渲染

對於這個視圖來說,重要呈現的是肌理效果。但我仍然想為商業部分增添一些細節,公園的部分主要以植物為主,因此在這部分我沒有花太多的時間。2. V-Ray Base RenderingThe retail corridor view relied more on texturing than the park view. I wanted to make sure I had some good reflections to work off of for the retail corridor view. The park view was essentially all vegetation, so I spent much less time texturing that view.3、肌理製作

在公園部分我運用了谷歌地球的城市3D體量模型截圖。截圖的圖像質量很低,但是你可以清理一下天際線輪廓,並為其添加霧化效果,總體來說,這樣的操作手法還是極具性價比的。由於角度的特殊性,我只能選擇一張看上去場景類似的背景圖。我花了一些時間來製作室內商業空間,這會使每個商店都具有層次感,其中還有在網上找到的品牌圖片,以及一些具有商業氛圍的照明設備。3. Photoshop TexturingIn the park view, I first switched out the city 3D massing with a Google Earth screenshot. Yes, I said Google Earth. The quality of the screenshot was pretty low, but if you take some time to cut out/cleanup the profile of the skyline and then cover up with fog, it ends up being a simple but effective solution. I was able to match a difficult view that wouldn』t exist unless someone took a drone photo at that exact position.For the retail corridor, most of my time was spent stitching in the interior retail spaces. Each store is made up of several layers including a base photo of the store found online, light fixtures and additional ambient spot lighting.4、光線與色彩

對於這些圖像來說,這一步驟能讓其更具層次感。公園的背景視圖具有霧化效果,從而讓前景更加突出。柔和的藍色會讓整個畫面更顯平靜。相反,如果想要表達下午的氛圍,只需調整為暖色的燈光。4. Light and ColorFor both images, I used this step to define the hierarchy of the images. In the case of the park view, fog was inserted to push back the skyline and really play up the foreground grass. Soft blue tones helped push the narrative of early morning and calmness. Conversely, I washed the retail corridor view with lots of warm light to push a more active middle of the afternoon atmosphere.5、人物





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