首頁 > 最新 > 中國農業土壤中耐磺胺和四環素類抗性基因


Abstract: The prevalence and proliferation of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been identified as an emerging contaminant of concern and a crucial threat to public health worldwide. In this study, we carried out a nation-wide sampling campaign across China to investigate the distribution and abundances of 8 major ARGs in agricultural soils. The levels of sulfonamide (sul) and tetracycline (tet) resistance genes in China"s agricultural soils ranged from 10?6–10?2 to 10?8–10?2 gene copies/16S rRNA gene copies, respectively. Northeast China is the hotspot of ARGs, likely due to long-term wastewater irrigation in the area. Redundancy analysis was further performed to assess the influences of environmental variables on ARG abundances. Sulfonamide resistance genes displayed strong correlations with meteorological parameters (mean annual precipitation and temperature), and decreased from north to south. In comparison, tetracycline resistance genes were more closely related to soil organicmatter and pH. Co-selection between heavymetals and ARGs was significant among Cu, Hg and sulfonamide resistance genes. This study highlighted the current status of ARG contamination and their influencing factors in China"s agricultural soils. Findings are valuable to identify effective management options for reducing the release of antibiotics and control ARG spread in the agriculture sector across the world.

中文摘要:抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的流行和增殖已經被確定為一種新興的污染物,是全球公共衛生的重要威脅。在這項研究中,我們在全國範圍內進行了一次全國範圍的抽樣調查,以調查農業土壤中8種主要ARG的分布和丰度。中國農業土壤中磺胺(sul)和四環素(tet)抗性基因的水平分別為10-6-10-2至10-8-10-2基因拷貝/ 16S rRNA基因拷貝。東北地區是ARGs的熱點,可能是由於該地區長期的污水灌溉。進一步進行冗餘分析以評估環境變數對ARG丰度的影響。磺胺類抗性基因與氣象參數(年平均降水量和溫度)呈顯著的相關性,並且由北向南遞減。相比之下,四環素抗性基因與土壤有機質和pH密切相關。銅,汞和磺胺抗性基因中重金屬和ARG之間的選擇是顯著的。本研究強調了中國農業土壤中ARG污染現狀及其影響因素。研究結果對於確定減少抗生素釋放的有效管理選擇以及控制全球農業部門的ARG擴散具有重要意義。(Google翻譯,未整理,供參考)

DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.152



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