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本期導讀:大熔爐(melting pot),指的是不同民族之間互相混雜,由不同民族文化不斷影響、同化、融合,形成一種很獨特的新的共同文化的社會。

大熔爐一詞首次在伊斯雷爾·贊格威爾(Israel Zangwill)的戲劇《熔爐》中提出。「melting pot」一詞本意是坩堝,形容不同文化如同不同金屬在坩堝中混合成合金一樣,形成一種新的文化。


17 striking findings from 2017


Pew Research Center studies a wide array of topics both in the U.S. and around the world, and every year we are struck by particular findings. Sometimes they mark a new milestone in public opinion; other times a sudden about-face. From an increase in Americans living without a spouse or partner to the impact of Donald Trump』s presidency, here are 17 findings that stood out to us in 2017:


1. Partisan divides dwarf demographic differences on key political values.

1. 關於政治理念態度,政黨屬性方面的分野,遠遠高於人口統計學方面的分野。

2. Donald Trump』s presidency has had a major impact on how the world sees the United States.


3. About four-in-ten Americans say they live in a gun-owning household, while three-in-ten say they personally own a gun.

3. 約有40%的美國人表示,他們家裡有,有30%的人表示自己有槍。

4. Democrats and Republicans disagree now more than ever on the news media』s 「watchdog」 role.

4. 民主共和兩黨目前在新聞媒體「監督」作用方面的分歧比以往任何時候都更為嚴重。

5. Muslims are projected to be the world』s fastest-growing major religious group in the decades ahead.

5. 未來幾十年間,穆斯林人口預計將是世界上增長最快的宗教群體。

6. In the U.S., Hispanic identity fades across generations as distance from immigrant roots grows.

6. 在美國,西班牙裔身份認同度在不同代際之間會隨著代際的增加逐漸減弱。

7. Americans see fundamental differences between men and women, but men and women have different views on the cause of these differences.

7. 美國人心目中,男女之間有著根本性的不同,不過,男性女性對導致男女不同的原因有著不同的觀點。

8. Many Americans expect certain professions to be dominated by automation in their lifetime – but few see their own jobs at risk.

8. 很多美國人覺得,有生之年肯定會看到特定的職業會被自動化所代替,但只有極少數認為他們自己的工作會有被自動化替代的風險。

9. The share of Republicans who hold negative views of the effect of colleges and universities on the country has grown significantly since 2015.

9. 自2015年以來,對美國大學的作用具有負面態度的共和黨人士的比例已大幅提升。

10. Immigrants are projected to play the primary role in the growth of the American working-age population in the coming decades.

10. 未來幾十年間,外來移民預計將在美國勞動力人口增長中起到主要作用。

11. News stories about President Trump』s first 60 days in office offered far more negative assessments than they did of prior administrations.

11. 特朗普任職的前60天內關於特朗普政府的新聞報道,遠比往屆政府更為負面。

12. In the past 10 years, the share of U.S. adults living without a spouse or partner has increased.

12. 過去10年間,美國成人獨居的比例穩步上升。

13. About half of 2.2 million people who sought asylum in Europe during the 2015 and 2016 refugee surge were still in limbo at the end of 2016 and did not know if they would be allowed to stay.

13. 2015至2016年爆發的歐洲難民危機中,歐洲共有220萬難民想要避難,其中約有一半難民到2016年末仍無著落,他們也不知道自己能否獲得許可留在歐洲。

14. About eight-in-ten Americans say they understand the risks and challenges of police work, but 86% of police say the public does not understand.

14. 約有80%的美國人表示,他們了解警察工作的風險和挑戰,但有高達86%的警察表示,公眾對此不了解。

15. About six-in-ten Americans ages 18 to 29 say the primary way they watch television now is with streaming services on the internet.

15. 18至29歲之間的美國人中,約有60%的人表示,他們目前看電視的主要渠道就是通過網路。

16. Views on whether whites benefit from societal advantages that blacks do not have are split sharply along racial and partisan lines.

16. 不同種族和黨派之間,對於白人是否比黑人擁有更多社會優勢的態度,分歧極為嚴重。

17. Science knowledge is closely related to expectations for harm from climate change among Democrats, but not among Republicans.

17. 民主黨人士中,擁有科學知識的多少與對氣候變化危害的認知有著緊密聯繫,而民主黨人士中卻無此現象。



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