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Breakfast at Tiffany』s 蒂芙尼的早餐

年輕時喜歡的電影,年長後也一定會喜歡。《蒂芙尼的早餐》電影版看過很多遍。原著並無愛情,只是從外人的角度講述曾經認識的一個很特別的女孩自我追求的故事。女孩年輕率真美麗又很拜金,一心想要嫁給富豪。女孩養了一隻貓,她稱之為nameless poor cat。女孩跟她養的沒有名字的橘貓一樣,也是一個迷失自我的人。電影里加入了Holy與窮作家的愛情。最終Holy找回自我,與相愛的人走到一起。


There aretoomany reasons fornotme to lovethis film.Too many details in it can satisfy my nostalgic desire for the good old time.Ihave a special favor for the bright morning sunshine on shading avenues, classic old buildings, the ordinary red cat, Holy"s delicately metallicaccents as well as her beautiful, neat and stylish looks.The scenetouches memost is Holy,with her newly washed thick hair wrapped in a white towel, sittingon the little balcony,playingalittle guitarand singing Moon River.She is the drifter in her lyrics, off to see the world and find her true self.In fact, every girl has a part of Holy in their mind.


Holly Golightly:We don"t belong to each other.We just took up one day.I don"t want to own anything,until I find a place where me and things go together.

霍莉·格萊特里:我們都不屬於彼此,只不過是萍水相逢罷了。我不想擁有什麼,直到我找到 一個真正屬於我的地方。

Holly Golightly:The blues are because you"re getting fat or it"s been raining too long.You"re just sad,that"s all.The mean reds are horrible.Suddenly you"re afraid,and you don"t know what you"re afraid of.


Paul:I am in love with you.


Holly:So what?


Paul:So what? So plenty! I love you.You belong to me.


Holly:No,people don"t belong to people.


Paul:Of course they do.


Holly:Nobody can put me in a cage


Paul:I don"t want to put you in a cage. I want to love you.


Holly:The same thing


Paul:No ,it"s not,Holly...


Holly Golightly:I"m not Holly.I"m not Lula Mae,either.I don"t know who I am.I"m like a cat here,a no-name slob.We belong to nobody,and nobody belongs to us.We don"t even belong to each other.


Paul : You know what"s wrong with you, Miss Whoever-you-are? You"re chicken, you"ve got no guts. You"re afraid to stick out your chin and say, "Okay, life"s a fact, people do fall in love, people do belong to each other, because that"s the only chance anybody"s got for real happiness." You call yourself a free spirit, a "wild thing," and you"re terrified somebody"s gonna stick you in a cage. Well baby, you"re already in that cage. You built it yourself. And it"s not bounded in the west by Tulip, Texas, or in the east by Somali-land. It"s wherever you go. Because no matter where you run, you just end up running into yourself.


當電影里的赫本拿著吉他,坐在窗檯彈唱moon river的一刻,你一定有自己的觸動...

Moon river, wider than a mile.I"m crossing you in style some day.Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker Wherever you"re goin", I"m goin" your way.Two drifters, off to see the world.There"s such a lot of world to see.We"re after the same rainbow"s end, waiting around the bend.My huckleberry friend.Moon River, and me.




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