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克利夫蘭老實人報記者Joe Vardon:一些騎士球員不理解為什麼泰倫-盧排兵布陣不考慮對位情況。對陣有大中鋒球隊時,球員們心想:應該先上TT啊。從泰倫-盧的角度看,身為一名前NBA球員,他認為,在連敗的時候更換首發會傳遞出被換出首發的球員是連敗問題所在的信號。

Vardon] Some (Cavs) wonder why Lue doesn"t use lineups that are more matchup based. When playing teams with big centers, players say, start Thompson at center. As a former player, (Lue) thinks making a change during a losing streak sends a message that it was one guy"s fault they lost.

From Cavs beat writer, Joe Vardon.

So Lue isn"t making adjustments because he"s afraid to hurt someone"s feelings? The fuck? They are all professionals and can understand if matchups need to be set. And if they don"t understand maybe it will light a fire under their ass (looking at you Jae and JR). Sometimes the best way to break out of a funk is to change things up and I"m not sure Lue understands this concept.


[–]Celticsshanmustafa 326 指標 7小時前

I guess that makes sense, but then again, if you"re a team player, I"d imagine you understand. The Celtics do this with Baynes, against big teams Baynes starts, against small teams, Morris will start


[–]RaptorsDenzelOntario 63 指標 5小時前

Exactly. Raptors do the same with Valanciunas. If we play a team that plays big, he plays 30+ minutes. If we play small ball team, he always plays much fewer minutes. And he』s still a total team guy, never complains, always supporting.

NBA players aren』t children. They』re adults that usually understand when their minutes are changed or reduced. If the team starts winning more after making certain changes, a player』s 「feelings」 shouldn』t matter.



[–]RaptorsTreChomes 42 指標 5小時前

And valanciunas has a reason to complain too. JV is a consummate pro.


[–]Magic Bandwagonyesiamheman 153 指標 6小時前

Remember all the issues when dwade was starting? I think there are a few cavs that arent really team players


[–]Timberwolvesfoul_al 29 指標 3小時前*

Exactly. Even though they"re most likely the two best teams in the East, the Cavs and Celtics couldn"t be further apart in terms of cohesion. The Celts are all about buying into the team concept and sacrificing individual stats, while the Cavs just carry this constant burden of needing to win for LeBron"s legacy.


It doesn"t help that talent-wise, LeBron is head and shoulders above anyone on his team and he performs almost every night. If you have a bad game, you"re not only going to get skewered by media/fans, but you"ve failed to live up to LeBron"s expectations.


Edit: And before people misinterpret my post, I want to clarify that not all strategies work equally for different teams. Although I"m not a huge Lue fan, I agree with his statement for this team. Swapping starters for the Celtics isn"t a huge deal but it could create some unnecessary turmoil in the Cavs locker room. Just my two cents.


[–]EastUtopianDuck 17 指標 3小時前

the Cavs just carry this constant burden of needing to win for LeBron"s legacy

I"m not convinced that this is the reason why some Cavaliers are agitating for minutes, starting, etc. Seems rather simple to me, many of the players have out-sized individual agendas and it"s a problem. That Lue felt the need to go to the media about it speaks volumes on the team"s lack of mutual accountability and their sensitivity to media perception.



[–]mendeleyev 7 指標 3小時前

I think it was and is JR who keeps creating these problems.


[–]Magic Bandwagonyesiamheman 14 指標 2小時前

I think its quite a few people tbh. The recent story about lebrons passing makes me think its more than just jr


[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesxorphz 281 指標 7小時前

Wtf happened to All In? This isn"t about saving anyone"s feelings.

騎士球迷:這特么的,說好的All In(全力以赴)呢?All In可不是照顧某個人的情緒啊。

[–][SAS] Vinnie JohnsonButterstuffednuts 217 指標 6小時前

Lebron knows what he is doing. Calm down. If he wanted Lue to make a change to the line up he would have said something to the media.


[–]CelticsFultzisABust 47 指標 5小時前

I hate this whole "fuck how you feel" thing people think about coaches. Thats not how coaches work. Its their job to build cohesiveness and unity in the lockerroom in addition to the on the court stuff. If they disregarded how everyone feels the locker room would be a mess. Lue makes a good point


[–]LakersLionZoo13 27 指標 5小時前

Well, except for Mark Jackson, whose job was to build divisiveness in the locker room.


[–]Celticsyeit 32 指標 6小時前

feelings can affect chemistry though.


[–]Raptorsshiny_dittos 37 指標 5小時前

So can losing


[–]NBAFookThaMaywetters 14 指標 5小時前

"I don"t want to hurt someone"s feelings, so we gotta stay luesing." - Ty Lue


[–]RocketsTheBrownMamba1997 144 指標 7小時前

Nick Saban was losing halftime to Georgia and swapped out Jalen Hurts for Tua. It ended up winning them the game. Sometimes you need to make those adjustments.

Also I understand that there』s a difference between regular season nba games and a college football championship so please do not reply with that lazy ass response

阿拉巴馬大學的主教練尼克-塞班在半場落後給喬治亞大學的情況下果斷更換球員,換下Jalen Hurts換上Tua,最後他的球隊贏下了比賽。所以說有時你就得做出改變。


[–]Celticsward0630 54 指標 6小時前

Ty Lue doesn"t have the credibility and respect that Saban has, but I agree its pointless to start less effective lineups just to avoid hurt feelings.


[–]RaptorsDenzelOntario 38 指標 5小時前

If a coach doesn』t have the credibility and respect to put Tristan Thompson on the bench, then he shouldn』t be your coach.


[–]Knicksbrohymn 381 指標 7小時前*

Ehhh I』m clearly no coach but I kinda agree with Lue on this. You build up your plan and you stick with it. Trust your players to make their shots and run the plays that you know can and have won you games before.

Nobody was saying this when the Cavs were on their win streak.

Maybe I』m in the minority here but you don』t go into triage mode and start making adjustment against specific matchups. You stick to the plan you and your team built.

Edit: should also mention, based off what I』ve seen, the Cavs problem is more of a issue with effort more than matchup and x and o. Their xo』s aren』t perfect but when the open shots are falling, it』s a thing of beauty.




[–]Kekukoka 94 指標 7小時前

At the same time, remember how we threw away the 13-14 season because Woodson was too stubborn to recognize we played better with Melo at the 4 and could have used Bargnani"s scoring punch off the bench? We went from worst of the worst to near the top of the league both offensively and record-wise from January on once we went back to our smaller, 12-13 style of offense.

Sometimes you need to have humility and recognize that you simply aren"t good enough to force teams to adjust to you.



[–]Raptorspleasefeedthedino 42 指標 6小時前

This is why superficial analysis fails.

From November 11th to December 17th the Cavs were 18-1. But of those 18 wins, only 3 were against teams over .500. The streak is misleading as a gauge of the plan"s success, because the plan only works well against bad teams. For the season the Cavs are 8-10 vs .500+ teams.



It"s not a matter of triage. It"s a matter of accurately diagnosing problems so that when you face good teams you have a solution.


[–]Knicksbrohymn 14 指標 6小時前

Whether or not his game plan is actually good is not the question though. His game plan might be crap but with a team of experienced vets like the Cavs, you don』t start making a bunch of bandaid fixes and flail around and hope something works.

Really the point im trying to make is specific to the OP』s quote - Ty Lue absolutely should not slot TT into a game here and there at starter based on matchup. Either decide TT is a starter and build your plan around that or don』t. It』ll do more harm to change up your roster on the fly and never let your roster build good feel and chemistry with the others on the floor.



[–][BOS] Carlos ArroyoJuansDayOff 17 指標 5小時前

I disagree

Brad does this constantly because more than anything he wants to have the best lineup possible to win against whatever team he"s up against

If Lue values the players feelings getting hurt over not starting above winning he"s got a problem



[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozanPsychoM 16 指標 5小時前

I read Lue"s quote differently than you did. Instead of trying not to hurt the players" feelings, he seems more interested in distributing the blame and the shortcomings throughout the team.

If he puts Crowder or JR on the bench and the Cavs start winning, the other starters, IT Lebron and Love will think it was solely because of the benched player that they were losing and that their play during the losing streak was acceptable. The way I see it, Lue wants to say that everyone owns a piece of the losing streak and until they as a team can improve and come out of it, they"ll keep losing.

If JR is benched, Cavs start winning and the rest of the starters put all the blame on JR and none on themselves, no lesson is learned.




 [–][CLE] LeBron Jamesnewunnavi 32 指標 7小時前

The problem with James-Love-Thompson as your front court is that"s been proven to be disastrous against the Durant Warriors.

I still think it"s better to build chemistry with lineups and players that will actually see PT in the Finals (meaning no Frye, no Thompson in the starting lineup, etc.). I"m confident that this roster is good enough to win the East on talent alone.



[–]Cavaliersthe_iceman_cometh 53 指標 7小時前

If a more respected coach said the exact same thing, nobody would have a problem with it.

Nobody changes their starting lineups constantly, especially on a veteran team.



[–]Celticsaxistenfold[??] 16 指標 6小時前

Brad stevens does


[–][CLE] Kyle Korvercalebkeith 15 指標 5小時前

Half his players are 20 y/o. Different mentalities.


[–][OKC] Chucky AtkinsSPAGHETTI_CAKE 14 指標 7小時前

The biggest problem for me is what shakeups can they really make? They can swap JR and Korver in the starting lineup I guess. But IT and LBJ and Love are locked in. Without Crowder their opening lineup defense would be horrendous. I guess they can try Green as a starter but who knows how that would go. Their roster kinda has their hands tied and if they aren"t willing to deal the Nets pick they better hope that the team figures shit out


[–]CavaliersKingofRivet 14 指標 7小時前

Are defense is horrendous with crowder as well.




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