首頁 > 最新 > 中國正逐漸戰勝空氣污染,至少在北京是這樣的



原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:達tothe洋 轉載請註明出處


China Is Winning Its War on Air Pollution, at Least in Beijing


China is seeing signs of success in its fight against smog as pollution levels slump dramatically in the capital region Beijing.


Concentrations of PM2.5 -- the tiny particles that pose the greatest health risks -- plunged 33 percent from a year earlier in the fourth quarter across Beijing, Tianjin and 26 surrounding cities, Greenpeace East Asia said in a report Thursday. Levels in the capital alone tumbled 54 percent. The drops come after government policies last year forced millions of homes and businesses to switch from coal to cleaner-burning natural gas.

東亞綠色和平組織在周四發表的一份報告中聲稱,北京、天津以及周邊26個城市第四季度面臨的PM2.5污染濃度相較於去年同期下降了33%。(PM2.5是會帶來極大的健康風險的微小顆粒。)而在首都北京,這個指數下降了54% 。這一改善取源於政府於去年出台的政策,該政策促使百萬家庭和企業從煤炭轉向了更加清潔的天然氣能源。

Bluer Skies in Beijing


The bluer skies came at a price, as the widespread switching to natural gas contributed to shortages of the fuel, leaving homes frigid and factories shut.「The switch from coal to gas has dramatically reduced pollution,」 Bernstein analysts including Neil Beveridge wrote in a report Thursday. 「While there have been problems in implementation, the plan is delivering results.」

但是藍色的天空的到來也伴隨著一些代價。因為大量的家庭和企業從使用煤炭轉向了天然氣,也導致了該燃料的短缺問題,使得一些家庭和工廠面臨了暖氣不足和停業的問題。「從煤炭到天然氣的轉變極大地減少了污染,」包括Neil Beveridge在內的伯恩斯坦分析員在周四的一份報告中指出。「儘管在實施方面依然存在著一些問題,但是該計劃正在取得成果。」

Replacing coal with gas for residential and industrial use is part of a series of measures to clean smoggy cities, along with closing outdated or illegal steel mills, coal mines and aluminum smelters. Natural gas demand rose 19 percent through October, the latest government data show. It will probably rise by 15 percent this year as Beijing sticks to its anti-coal guns and spurs development of gas infrastructure, Beveridge wrote.

在住宅取暖和工業能源上用天然氣取代煤炭是中國一系列的清理城市霧霾的措施之一,同時他們還關閉了過時或者非法的鋼鐵廠、煤礦、和煉鋁廠。最新的政府數據現實,天然氣需求自10月份以來上升了19% 。Beveridge表示,今年中國的天然氣需求將會增長15%,因為中國將堅持反煤炭,並進一步推動天然氣基礎設施的發展。

Worth It?

The shift toward cleaner heating fuels proved problematic in November and December, as some regions ran short of natural gas, forcing the government to halt factories to prioritize supplies for residential users, and in some cases let homes go back to burning coal.


However, 「negative effects caused by the transition from coal to gas are relatively small," making it worthwhile for China to expand the switch and start up nuclear power plant construction, said Jiang Kejun, a researcher at the Energy Research Institute under the National Development and Reform Commission.The NDRC in December announced a winter-heating plan for northern regions expected to cut coal use 150 million metric tons by 2021. Natural gas, biomass, heat pumps, direct electric heating and geothermal power will replace the dirtier-burning fuel.


Besides a reduction in household coal use, measures to cut industrial emissions and favorable weather conditions 「contributed to the very dramatic reduction in pollution levels」 in Beijing and surrounding areas, Lauri Myllyvirta, an energy analyst at Greenpeace in Beijing, said by phone.

綠色能源組織的能源分析師Lauri Myllyvirta在電話中表示,除了家庭取暖煤炭使用量的減少外,工業排放的減少和北京良好的天氣狀況也是最近北京和周邊地區的空氣污染水平大幅下降的原因之一。

Nationwide, the air-quality improvement was less dramatic, with a 4.5 percent decrease in PM2.5 levels during 2017, according to Greenpeace."We shall expect the winter in 2018 to be even cleaner as the government carries out the campaign on coal to gas more thoroughly," said Tian Miao, a Beijing-based energy specialist at Everbright Sun Hung Kai Co



原創翻譯:龍騰網 翻譯:達tothe洋 轉載請註明出處


[–]steavoh 88 指標 4 天前

I think air pollution gets attention when it"s a visible problem. That proved true in Europe, the Americans, then Japan and now China. When a big city is covered in a pall of smog and you can smell/feel it going outside then even people in high places start to get concerned.The tough thing for environmentalists may be raising concern over things that are abstract or invisible. Climate change isn"t something you easily notice or get alarmed by unless you think long term.


[–]sxakalo 44 指標 4 天前

The Chinese do know climate change is real and they"ve been taking action against it.


[–]Colandore 30 指標 4 天前

Absolutely. The rising sea levels is of particular concern in China given that many of their wealthiest cities are directly on their coast. Cities like Shanghai would be devastated.


[–]ArchmageXin 11 指標 4 天前

so are America"s...


[–]Colandore 11 指標 4 天前

Yeah, very true.I mean, I can say something something Trump/Republican administration not caring, etc... But the reality is, plenty of Americans are aware of it too. Everyone in San Francisco is at risk, so is New York (Sandy) and New Orleans (Katrina). Seattle, Miami, etc... American"s aren"t unaware, this has been a topic of concern for American environmentalists as well.The current administration can"t be helped unfortunately.


[–]AtoxHurgy 0 指標 3 天前

But their massive coal plants are still around


[–]RaceChinees 6 指標 3 天前

but everybody"s coal plants are still around.Considering China is also the biggest investors in green energy and coals plants there are replaced with far more efficient ones; means they are certainly on the right track.


[–]sxakalo 1 指標 3 天前

Yeah they are closing the oldest ones and switching to less polluting ones, nuclear and renewables.


[–]insipid_comment 154 指標 4 天前

If whatever they"re doing is working, they should keep it up! Hopefully they can pass along some of their tricks to other countries mired in air pollution, like India.


[–]karangoswamikenz 49 指標 4 天前

This. Delhi and ahmedabad are getting worse


[–]bipolarbeargrills 62 指標 4 天前

As someone who actually lives in Beijing, can verify that the pollution this winter has been almost nonexistent. Especially compared to the alarming photos many will likely judge the city by, its been gorgeous since November. Comes with the caveat that there are still pollution issues all over the country, but the one year turnaround on making progress in the capital has been extraordinary.


[–]spinmasterx 36 指標 4 天前

Honestly, the Chinese government is scary efficient. I remember during the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, that night was humid like hell and by all normal weather conditions should have rained, but didn"t. Apparently, the government used some things to delay the rain by a few hours and it started to pour down immediately after the ceremony.


[–]diverofcantoon 13 指標 4 天前

That"s what happens when you have one party rule. Everyone"s on the same page, nobody fighting each other for political points.Not saying their system of government is better, just more efficient like you pointed out.


[–]WhyBuild 41 指標 4 天前

Cool, I hope they continue in there efforts in making a clean place to live. Don"t really understand the negative comments in this thread


[–]365_Canal_St_70130 15 指標 4 天前

When China has problems, they know how to solve them. The US just gets distracted with incumbent interests, a two-party system and lobbyists.


[–]garlicroastedpotato 11 指標 4 天前

Do you feel like America has unsolved air quality problems?


[–]karangoswamikenz 13 指標 4 天前

But we have water issues


[–]sicurri 4 指標 4 天前

I may not like, or agree with a lot of what China does, or what their policies on some things are. However, I do admit their solution to pollution, and starting to adopt green energy is fantastic.That"s one thing they have on the U.S. it seems, China looks at the long game, the U.S. looks at the short game. We are reactionary, while China is responsive to how the world is changing.




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