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搶先試聽 A$AP Rocky 最新單曲《5IVE $TAR$》

搶先試聽 A$AP Rocky 最新單曲《5IVE $TAR$》

人氣說唱歌手 A$AP Rocky在去年釋出新專輯即將到來的消息,月初一併將個人Instagram作重新整理,公布疑似為新專輯形象的前導影片與個人主導團體 AWGE 的全新巡迴預告,可見 2018 年的 A$AP Rocky 回歸歌壇的企圖相當強烈。今日 Rocky 於AWGE SoundCloud頻道釋出最新單曲《5IVE $TAR$》,找來曾在《Gilligan》合作過的說唱歌手 D.R.A.M. 助陣,而《5IVE $TAR$》單曲圖片以「Testing」打造全新形象,而先前接受 GQ 專訪的時 Rocky 也曾提到「Testing」,因此不禁讓人聯想是否與新專輯的命名有關?

My new album is really about testing new sounds. People are scared to test new sounds, so they go with what"s current "cause it"s the easy thing to do. The top 100 songs sound a certain way. People cater more to that because it"s a bigger demographic behind that, or it"s a guaranteed demographic behind that. I prefer to experiment and have my crowd grow with me and to reach new crowds.

有興趣的讀者不妨趕緊聆聽新歌《5IVE $TAR$》,亦可留意 A$AP Rocky 與 Under Armour 的聯乘鞋款疑雲。

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