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既然關注度上升了,商業也要開始運轉起來了。最初,Chiara和很多博主一樣,她的收入是靠和品牌和電商合作,比如說和電商RewardStyle合作,為服裝設計搭配場景,設計故事主線,做軟廣告;為Steve Madden設計了九款有她個人風格的鞋子,當然她還會靠放一些品牌產品的鏈接盈利。但是目前來說,這兩部分的收入只佔她收入的30%,真正讓Chiara Ferragni轉得盆缽滿盈的還是她的設計產品:也就是下圖的這些平底鞋。

Now that the attention is rising, business is going to start to work. Initially, Chiara and many bloggers, and her income by brand and business cooperation, such as electricity and RewardStyle cooperation, for the clothing design collocation scene design, story line, make soft advertising; designed nine kinds of her personal style shoes for Steve Madden, of course, she also put some brand products by the link of profit. But for now, the two part of the income accounted for only 30% of her income, really let Chiara Ferragni turn pot full or her design is the following products: these shoes.



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