首頁 > 最新 > 2018年1-4月份雅思口語題庫話題解析13——重要事件


解析:老本搬出來,婚禮!肯定有同學說老師我還小。。。。是 你們還小,能不能說成是你姐姐或者哥哥的婚禮,能不能說成是你們這一代第一個結婚的孩子,突出重要性~~~~

又有同學拋轉了,老師我不會說啥夫妻對拜這種辭彙。。。我真的是,那你能不能避開這些,選擇好說的流程呢,譬如我自己本人婚禮上的開場對唱和結尾的舞蹈with background music sugar


Speaking this topic, I would like to talk about the wedding of mine(my sister『s). It was on the April 18th of last year. That day is easy to remember coz it is also her birthday. On that wedding day, nearly all of our relatives arrived at the hotel, a five-star luxurious hotel, to celebrate this big wedding ceremony.

After greeting, I went to the wedding hall to help her prepare the ceremony. I remembered that I was totally attracted by the decorations based on the red and blue color, that "s called the British Style. And this meaningful arrange shows the journey the couple has had. I mean, It is in the UK that they fell in love during their postgraduate study. I felt this wedding is memorable also because of the special process. XXX and her husband appeared with a lovely English song " Love me like you do", and ended by a dance with the background music 『sugar』. The touching moment had left deep impression on all the audiences. That was the first time I attended an wedding among my cousins, I mean she is the first one getting married in our generation. Until now, it is the most special and memorable wedding that I have been to. Well, that is the important event that I celebrated.

來吧 動動你們小腦筋, 這個素材還能說哪些題哇,可以留言或者添加二維碼,我來給你們把把關~下拉至底端有彩蛋哦




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