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Unit 5 Geophysical Methods of Exploration 地球物理勘探方法

朗誦者:朱俊強(Steven Zhu)

Unit 5 Geophysical Methods of Exploration

Petroleum exploration and production are largely concerned with the geological interpretation of geophysical data, especially in offshore areas. Petroleum geologists need to be well acquainted with the methods of geophysics. For many years a large communication barrier existed in many oil companies between the two groups, which were usually organized in different departments. This separation has now largely disappeared, as a new breed of petroleum geoscientist appears --– half geologist and half geophysicist. Unfortunately, a new division has developed within the geophysical world between the mathematicians, physicists, and computer programmers (who acquire and process geophysical data) and those who use geological concepts to interpret this information.

The following account of geophysical methods of petroleum exploration has two objectives. It seeks to explain the basic principles and to illustrate the wonders of modem geophysical display. What it does not pretend to do, however, is explain the arcane mathematics (神秘的數學) and statistical gymnastics (統計學的技巧) that are used to get from first principles to the finished brightly colored geophysical image(色彩鮮明的地球物理圖像). This account is probably sufficient for petroleum reservoir engineers seeking to know the origins of the maps by which fields are found and reserves assessed. For petroleum geologists, however, it is only an introduction and will be followed by courses in geophysics in general and in seismic interpretation in particular.

Three main geophysical methods are used in petroleum exploration: magnetic, gravity, and seismic. The first two of these methods are used only in the predrilling exploration phase. Seismic surveying is used in both exploration and development phases andis by far the most important of the three methods.

New Words and Expression

petroleum geologist 石油地質學家

geologist n. 地質學家

geophysicist n. 地球物理學家

magnetic n. 磁力

gravity n. 重力

seismic adj. 地震的

the dissolved gas drive 溶解氣驅動/溶解氣驅

gas cap 氣頂

critical gas saturation 臨界氣體飽和度








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